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The stream (all workshops)

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Eyes express horror with tears
when pointless words fail,
unmitigated disaster derailed
the daily news what truth to refuse.

Opinionated reporters, propaganda confused
immersed in beliefs, common ground
parting reef, truth the giver that
seeks the thief pressurised relief.

Venting reprisal, the undeniable
revealed history conceived
rebuffed to confuse
the moral choose.

I Miss It

I sit in the sun
The warm loving sun
And yet curse its radiant rays
I hear the quiet chatter of the birds
But cover my ears in dismay
The palm fronds sway in the breeze
Brushing the painted sky
Yet i would quickly trade it all
To sate a longing sigh

I miss the green, the gray the blue
The mist that covered the ground
The rain, the blessed pouring rain
That made such a calming sound
The mountains that climbed into the sky
On my every side surround



Why didn't I see what was happening
My attention had been too distracted
Towards toxic danger I was attracted

As I tasted those fume-filled lips
I knew it was death I'd kissed
Her poisonous lips and venomous fingertips

When you made love with me
We shared a chemical melody
And now I've tossed it all away
Turning our paradise into tragedy


Were Angels sleeping
over land of rising Sun
when tsunami struck?


moving so swift
I dont want to touch down
to swallow this pain

in all whirlpool sensations
just let me drown

put on this iron crown
let love's chains
drag me down


God Is Must

God Is Must

God is a must entity,
In his unique form,
In order to cement folks
Similarly torn,
As all on earth
Who are born
Need the glue
To stick to
Hope that all knew.

Tsunamis shall come and go
God will surface time and again,
You and I may not remain
But the earth shall
The futures contain.

"Child Turned Whore"

It hides within shadows,
behind eyes,
venomous bile it spits,
into the mouths of all who notice.
Secret infatuations of lustful discontent,
it buries all hope in lies and disease.

Its flesh grown tattered from years of abused neglect.
It speaks in tongues that are understood by none.
It is master of its own head believing its own untruths.
Desperate in its search it vanishes before its tasted its goal.

It is no mystic creature of demon, dragon, nor serpent.
It looks in mirrors yet never sees, it talks but never listens.

New Orchard Contemplation

The air still cold
from frost's final death
mornings feel old
in winter's ending breath

clearing space and marking out
new places wide enough apart
for apple trees to stand about
and get a good resounding start

then will come the heavy lifting,
tearing up the grass with tiller
digging, shoveling and planting
until each tree stands as a pillar

and afterwards the careful pruning,
spacing, watering and waiting
slow years of watchful caring
for a future's harvesting,

After Shock ( A trio Haiku )

Earth snaps its fingers
The shock lifts a tidal wave
Cold tragedy looms.

The ocean gorges
Surging torrents of tears,
Feasting in the wash.

The monster withdraws
Discarding shaken remains
Inflicting deep wounds.



Your eyes flashed fire, my heart burst into flame.
My cloak I threw down at your muddy feet.
You smiled at me and spoke my secret name.
I made a bow, my thoughts of pleasures sweet.

But moving to step on my muddied cloak,
Your gaze transfixed me, helpless, at the scene
For I was now so cold and wet and choked,
I realised how foolish I had been.


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