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Elephants ! WOW!

Elephants Are Blessed

It’s not the length
that matters
it’s always the strength.
The guy as you say
is a 13.5 incher ,
even in flaccid state,
his would be much bigger,
than many in their erect posture ,
so how will they feel
as you say,
he is also gay
Many guys as well as women
will run away

Ever Near

A year has passed
From there to here
And I’d not trade
A single moment

We weathered all
Of the stumbling blocks
Life placed in
Our path
And won

We begin another year
I still hold you dear
What the future has in store
I will never fear

For you are the
Only one
I will always
Have near


St Patrick's & Ireland.


Margaret Ann Waddicor March 2011.

Most splendid Book of Kells,
illuminated souls,
the hours,
the gold the blue entwined with flowers of every hue,
give joy beyond religions plough(ploy)
where nature, culture, man,
they meet
and differences defeat.

First Anniversary

Poetry is for life, not just
Anniversaries. I've always loved your
Perfect soul, it's scent
Etched into the heart of my

Traveling Light In Journey of Life

If I become You
And You happen to be Me
We will still be US

Will anything change
Or will it still be the same
Between two of Us?

Even if I be Me
And you choose to remain You
Be empathetic

Then we will know more
about how to build bridges
with compromises

Life is a journey
Without a return ticket
Who knows when it ends

Let us travel light
without being too burdened
with excess baggage

Fresh Vision

icon of beauty
tossed aside

thrown off balance
leaning precariously
senses re-engage

vision of nature
pre-euclidian eyes

Magic of Makhaela

Some people have the wherewithall to become a good student
while others, are more inclined to excel as an instructor
but, I know someone who's of the mention for both!

The only disclaimer is that, from any given moment
she can "flip" on you.....with the stealth of a circus acrobat!

That does happen to be a part of her "magic", as it were;
for even she can't say whether, or not she's teaching, or learning;
so we never noticed, that she coerced us all into playing the remaining roles.


drag dagger sledge
these ruins of ice
thinning like breath
the ragged race

and the pearl
shoulder of your wing
catchs beams of sun
like fire
fanning hot

and the sky like a
lover sought
is your tired hunger
"where are you going"

these lives you've bought
you live within
the liquid realm
of all tragic and tranquil


But what lies beyond that rusted fence
save long forgotten memories
of that time so distant hence
death came on an eastern breeze.

See the distant guarded land
of ruins amid strange twisted growth,
the place from which all men are banned.
Miles which nature seems to loath.

Today the wind is from the west
blowing hidden danger out to sea
to settle on a breaker's breast
like leaves shed by a dying tree.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.