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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Knowing of her...

Knowing of her….

A muddy knee that
day I saw, my heart
then was forever
muddled as I steadied
her to feet, was I
to be the keeper
of the mud on knee
or that intrinsic
beings beauty whose
eyes had laid
me bare.

Contentious as my
loving her became
an absence of
consequence thinking
only of moments
to hours to days
to wonderment.


they will say
don't eat spinach
it glows, much greener
than it should
don't make love
unless you cover that sucker
for the babies you make
will be misshapen,
useless lumps
the world will
all feel sorry for
and we will
give them
vacations to
and rides on ponies
and fifty years
from now
we'll forget
how the earth shook
the waves rose and

someone will blame god
because it's easy


camera mounted tripod
relegated to leaning in the corner
otherwise, unused

accursed vacuum cleaner
covered in the dust
of eternal stillness

printer on the fritz
don't care
purpose has become tiresome

my chair, however,
used and used, so used
conforming me
into a marbled headed quasi statue
but for the gentle
jostling of a mouse

...while fresh, beckoning sunbeams
peer through smokey windows


That's right, there are no leftists here
they've left to make things right
but first they drank up all the beer
and all the wine in sight

The right wingers all fell from the sky
at least the few still left
they fell with a joyful cry
their perfect smiles all cleft

Progressive, they all shifted gears
and went into reverse
while ridiculing brave men's fears
in long speeches which were terse

Breakfast in Spring

Sunburst glows, fades

returns in tomorrow’s venue

Daffodil bursts, grows and shows

lushness amid Lenten’s darkness

Satin whiteness among leaves of green

feed my craving

as this morning’s hard boiled blossom

radiates, framed against

the spitting blackness of today’s breakfast

searing on caste iron skillet.

Lick an armpit

Do you love her?
Really, truly.
Of course you say,
her truths and lies
her smarts and sillys
her beauty and flaws

but do you love the human creature?
the sweat and pheromones
the skin flakes and cuticles
the pubic hair stuck under your tongue?

when she is not wearing deodorant,
lick her armpit
truly, madly, deeply.
Then know how much you love her.


Once forever then
no more, re-evaluating
what came before.

Time in years
a distant contract
with mortality, static
possibilities still vivid
within passing seasons.

Captured too far along to
be enraptured a legacy that
begs to be beyond the etchings
that mark a spot, a demise not
where this flesh was begot.

My seed the bleeding of this being
the probabilities of the ever after
without conceding.


shallow is the clip
the golden of the haze
that lazes in the heart
of eyes moist reception

you whom want is
leans against the
tarried shoulder
of my ache
my wounded fragmentary
arch of soul
that bridges light to dark

this agony of love
that flames
in desert depth
and star shard dark

I keep you pressed
in pleasant page
and circled with
a brilliant mark

for muse betold
you held me high
when bars for
me witheld the sky

The "Funce"

Omni, swirling gusts of wind
the cold, it chaps...and burns,
as my stance grows so, suspitious
from a "purchase", barely earned.

Wrestling the invisible
an adversary with much might,
weariness invades my attempts
to get my fence, "upright".

The wire becomes an issue
both, my hands keep losing, "grips",
while knitting this wired fence
I'm creating havoc, on my hips!

Garnet Dreams China Blue,Candlewitch & Eddy Styx

Man’s insanity
Is his sanctity
In tune to living

Deftly ensconced
By his own decisions
In a dellusional Reality

With sightless eyes
He sees the bloodstains
On hands that no longer feel
Yet ache for the softness of life
Still the voices bid him

Sleeplessness is the
Norm of his nights
When dreams come
They arrive in color
The deep garnet of blood
Forever imprinted
In his fevered mind


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.