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Love Letter #34

after months
you are still
in folds of sweaters

the one i bought
along with your cap

yesterday i smelled of you
because you are in the color blue

i hope my memory
stays clear like
the hot springs

how perfect
is beauty when
seen through the eyes of

someone you loved

sunday fasting

its Sunday
and my breath sticks inside
my shirt,
humidity claws as sweat
beneath white tees,
curled edges
showing femininity
as eyes are devoid of heat

baggage sits itself
beneath blues
and i
rifle through
pulling comfort from the shade,
red tinged lines
like mazes
as i shield myself
from all that i know too well

Crocus Buds


crocus buds burst forth
peep and poke through dunes of white
winter bows to spring

when the sun begins to shine again
life's vital truths made clear at road's end



arrive by five
the heels of your boot
rise on the smokey
well of stairs

and the squeal of
the brass workings
on the stolid door

your a comfort to me
glide across the room
as the slash of hot sun
bathes you
the mercury

dig about in the old fridgedaire
and haul out the cold remains
of Vodka

tip back a thirsty throat
and the peach coral
lips suck down the
remaining ounces

My Teachers

Step by step,

I walk heedfully

across the patchy lawn

muddy here

barren there

unkept, unattended.

Pleading blades of grass

with drops of hope reflecting

morning’s sunlight

become my teachers

as they reach out

to grow.

Fresh spring spouts

extol me

to find a place

where barefoot soles

gather joy

with each flex of toe

into the ground.

The Comet ride

I have ridden on a hell bent comet
Its fire plumes burning the bridges
I left behind,

The asteroids, which followed behind
Had the names of Gods bringing the karma
Of things not so kind

A star of redemption came out of the sky
Shining bright with a truth, my icy cold eyes
Could not recognize

A path laid with lies
Would not be easily rectified
With truth and light

Star of the icy cold
Can you burn away all I know
which was forged upon the burning coals

I Love Your Face

I love your face

When you smile
I feel life in my bones

When you gaze into the night
I wonder about the universe

How big it is
How small we are

When a tear runs down your cheek
My heart aches a deep ache

When I touch your satin skin with my finger tips
All of my worries melt away

I love your face

Meat (Re-written)


He expects her not to feel, 
believes that she is simply humanoid.
Shock fills his eyes, 
When reality emerges from his dilusion.

She is the sum of childhood vulnerabilities
an amalgamation of experiences.
Has the ability to love unconditionally,
even has a brain.

He is able to separate heart from his groin 
In the pursuit of an erection.
Disengage intellect and feeling,
To receive satisfaction.


There still grows a tree upon a bluff
above the river which it guards
and watches over course's plain
which floods whenever torrents reign.

And it grows far off the beaten path,
this ancient beech I chanced upon,
with nearly white smooth bleached bark
never touched by saw or wild fire's spark.

By its size I know that it was here
many years before I came to be
its bark by initials compromised
by lovers' pocket knives I surmised.


a garden of saffron
irrigated parched land
flowers picked at dawn
before midday sun wither.

fresh spice exotic delight
purple petals cups its
essence till harvest picks
plucks its stigmas trice.

inhale its wealthy odour
pure indulgence
powered deep red
natures seasoned aroma.

shipped abroad
since wooden gallows
eastern promise
saffron spice.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.