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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Sensible Happiness

There illustrates music that depicts an openly active heart,
the notes are grey,
the tones are significant,
the words are bodied.

Yet the jazz musician could kill himself.

In every grey note he sees black.

In every significant tone is a burble.

If only moonless quandaries exempted darkest days?


A smile could be liable.


because us

Who the fool

Who the fool….

Some lie there on the bed of fools
finding so little insecurity.
Not one will search for a meaning to life
none will be asking what is an obscurity?

No answers will come raging forth, so
they can make their own conclusion.
Running faster now downhill, are we
escaping the madness or is it a delusion.

I see old hands now, where
a piano players fingers used to be.
I’ll be deeming this totally unfair
reaching for an enigmatic key.

forever concealed

My inner most thoughts
I will never reveal, there
will always be that I'll
forever conceal, where
things are unexplainable
not tangible or real.

So no one will ever totally
understand, knowing every
face that passed my way
some stop I greet others
stand and stare but knowing
me not I'll never care.


A barren branch still reaches out
o'er withered seedling's callow chance;
still wick within, pulse beats throughout
a barren branch.

And there, despite life's fatal glance,
beyond spring rain or summer drought,
our majesty begins her dance.

Her pirouette glows beyond doubt
past naked limb of stretched expanse;
regeneration gleaned to sprout
a barren branch.


Roundel (poetry)


The sun chases away the darkness,
The rain cleanses the earth,
The moonlight lights a path,
A journey from death to birth.

New eyes,
Untarnished soul,
Making one see the picture
is now finally whole.

You know who you are,
You speak from the heart,
Ignore those that try
to tear you apart.

The vulchers are jealous,
You they cannot see,
All they see is gossip,
To spread forth they feel the need.

Scared and Alone

You hold your head down,
Unsure how you feel,
A week ago this didn't
seem real.

But it is, it's here,
A part of your life,
Not here to get you
into strife.

Maybe a chance,
New path, new beginning,
I know your head is
probably spinning.

A change of path,
Detour at most,
Allow and opportunity,
A form of growth.

Options are out there,
To help those like you,
Whatever you choose,
I am here for you.

love letter at the gate

you have me bewildered
as if a bird with a crippled wing
when i left
fall had become colors
turning cold against
the flush of cheeks

you missed your ride home
came back to say my name


i liked your poems
when i couldn't see myself in them
or you and
what we had

i find myself
wanting more of them
the songs too
before this summer turns
to stone

i don't want to wonder
'if only'

you already do that

a cabbie's wisdom

I started the day with shit attitude,
watching sunlight
through sheets hung
like curtains,
feeling as if I had this would be life –

and I knew how things changed
time moved forward,
just as I knew
that I wanted to believe
I was the only one
covered in denim
and faded under a summer’s sky

but I listened
with half-cocked ears
hearing only every other word
from cabbie’s mouth


A good while back I bought some land
which consisted of a rural hollow
forested by mixed hardwood stand
surrounded by two fields grown fallow.

This hollow housed a clear strong spring
years ago used as a water source
evidenced by a collapsed cistern's ring
which began the branch's course.

And here I built a modest home
on an adjacent overlooking hill
where children would have room to roam
far off the road where woods were still.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.