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warm breeze

leave shadows idle
beyond tomorrows night sky
give me back the sun
so I may begin to feel
warmth in my bones, heart and soul

it is time to live
free upon a gentle breeze
watching flowers sway

From the Darkness (1979) Religious content

From the Darkness

From the darkness came the light
Shining out so warm and bright
With peace and love and tenderness
And tinkling sounds of happiness.

From the darkness came the caring
All the gifts and the sharing
Came the dreams and summer showers
And the beauty of nature's flowers.

Then from the darkness came the bad
Nameless fear and all things sad
That turned the peace to hate and war
Sowing terror near and far.

original sin

you argue a case
better than mad monks
gone crazy from too many
hollow prayers
you push an envelope
a thin line
but you're already licked
by the ones you seek to dishonor
by your confession

'the unseen exists'

no choir of exultant voices
finding purpose of darkness
a deep resentment of
being less than genius
and i see it all clearly
the need for controversy
the need to be
in control


So well I see will come the day
to woodland edges, only, I will stray
forbidden to me the forests wild
treks restrained to near and mild

Then, later, by a dirt road ditch
to merely stand while muscles twitch
from having to fight off the urge
as result of aging's scourge

Beyond that just trips to town
with car windows all rolled down
merely to catch a whiff or scent
of the woods where I once went


sunbeams gentle
slip through the waning clouds
sparkling rain
glissens the grass
tiny rainbows of reflection...

And I don't know what to do with myself
deny why I am out in the rain
and wax rhapsodic
of the great outdoors
Or trudge back
into the house of human affairs
that put me here in the first place

a mist rises
still held close by the ground
blades soften to textures velvetine...

Perfec Twirld

I'm writing from my memories
for, they tend to lead the way,

to a time where I possessed the keys
but, couldn't sieze the day.

I tremble with embarrassement
it's awkward that I'm me,

as I dilligently pay my dues
others live thier lives "scott free"!

These days, it seems I'm gullible
to think that what I dream,

if my dreams were even possible
we could be on the same team.

All in all, there is great wisdom
in promoting a world that's true,

A Date With Wine

Dating is not a game
To be played like a toy
It’s not a cat and mouse chase
Among men and women

Dating is not a wine treasury
To quench thirsty desires
It’s not a lust filled vessel
To be tasted like aged old wine

Dating is not to be taken casually
For sports and entertainment
It’s not a stage for performers
Pursuing fame

Dating is a vineyard
Before nuptials
Beholding the wine not its redness
Discerning maturity

The dark Creature (Re-post edit)

I was born of Darkness
my only purpose is
to bring the dark into your life

Evil has rained upon me
day and night
every malignant thought
that comes to me
is to bring the end
to your pathetic world

Speedily I went
leaving devastation in my wake
wave after wave of cruelty
I slammed upon your shores
where you thought
it was safe
eroding all the barriers
which you have put in place

A Candle in the Night

Just as it's lazy demeanor does imply
the trees seem to have been coerced,
by a breeze so nonchalant-like
that it really seems rehearsed.

Yet, in the end it's justified
as the landscape clearly shows,
the leaves have all but vanished
for Winters' breath so fiercly blows!

But, just as every fallen leaf
becomes a resident on the ground,
we all would adapt to the situation
so, food and shelter must be found;


Your unique omelets
Fascinate me. Like your sex
Always exotic


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.