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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



At last
one less false prophet
........... mad man

Sent to join Hitler
on shared date of death
did any really doubt Assoma's fate?
.his only trial muzzle's blast
....................guilty self admission

That's how it is (Edited)

A single leaf on a tree
Braves snow and wind
My strength
Before it falls


We said goodbye
without speaking.
Stark silences saturated
by thwarted longing, intolerable feelings

Now past colourful secrets bleed -
Into a created canvas
of new meaning
A still-life of love lost,
A portraiture of forever leavings...

Bjr 2 May, 2011

The Big Wait

I sit alone
a private pew, if you will
at my less than sanctified
kitchen table
a bottle of 80 proof
a glass
ash tray, cigarettes
and a pistol
another round
of solitaire
half hearted
half drunk
half assed any way you look at it
grumblin' at the radio
dj don't know
just lost another game
shuffle and deal 'em out again
an entire evening without a win
kind'a integral to the theme I guess
a loser losing some more

The Vacuum of Space Our Souls Hide

I fell away
An empty vessel, a jar of clay
We were a submarine
Lost in the ocean, blocked by a screen
I can’t relate my heart to paper and words
We were intrinsic
Memories we created as we walked through our futures
We were so happy then
Look at us now
Apart, stranded, lost in the flood of the common day
We were washed away
And into the vacuum of space our souls hide

We couldn’t breath
We couldn’t breath


Yesterday the fields of winter oats
were nodding new heads to the wind
but today they're cut and lay like thatch
upon a roof that has no end

And it will sit another day
beneath the spring sun bright and warm
to dry and cure to shade of mint
in this far field of this old farm

After that will come the rake
to arrange it into neat windrows
all marching in a single file
the fragrance wafts where the wind blows



parallels in paths
worn smooth by duty,
to meet on the edge
of life's cliff
our destiny


there is one
who holds this heart,
in the palm of his hands
he juggles more than words


oh for the nights,
a symphony of bones
and skin entwined as one
where there is no start or end


economy class

jewish boys have weak jaws
in the likeness of their god
alone on a cross

avoided sunlight
enhances pale skin
and i see them
set aside from us
and i don't feel unclean

she feeds me dinner
the leftovers of
what was not kosher
and i wonder
how clean were
five loaves of bread
the fish and the five thousand?
or was that thought of

once a priest found a way to make it so

My dearest friend in need

My dearest friend

how fares my butterfly
his wings so weak
in constant fear
of coming storms

his mind a muddle
with the puzzles
of his thoughts

awake concern in friends
to pick up arms
and join the battle
they helplessly stand by
and sigh

as illness overwhelms
and takes the helm
we compensate
and tales relate
to dissipate his qualms

Our century

Our century

Spark ignites oil,
we have explosion.
Imagine! John said,
I do, and see a black
septic boil,
we will get, erosion.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.