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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Supine, silent eyes jammed shut against
spew ridden daylight.
Disgorge and discharge, create a Technicolor yawn.

Sleep enshrouds weakened frame,
dull ache in the pit of stomach remains,
drowsiness a buttress.

Putrid nausea ebbs and flows
spasms of acrid pain,
wrap my brain in torment.

Imbibe Adam’s ale and consume the loathsome antidote
the process begins again,
spinning on the never ending wheel of anguish.

An Untold Story

I need to tell you an untotld story,
It involves four ignorant characters,
as for the worls the are blackened glory,
which don't seem fecund to this world of actors...

Everyday in the morning,
sometimes I see a mother too groaning,
But usually there are there are three little stars,
burning in the shadow of a tree...

From Yellow to Blue

Take a night out of your life
And what makes it all change?
Take a night out of your life
And watch it all change

Take the light out of the day
And what makes it all change?
Take the light out of the day
And I swear it’s all strange

Come inside, and sleep till winter
Come inside, and dream it all better

Take the love out of your heart
And what makes it all change?
Take the love out of your heart
And I swear you won’t feel the same


southern air is dry
it makes your mouth
tingle like a teenage kiss
picks up strands of hair
as if it wants to be
a sure and certain lover
at night it sighs
across palm trees

across streets where
apartment windows
lie open to its charm
a guy watching a game

a woman
smoking and
watching it drift
further away
with all her dreams

and me
on the edge of a chair
on the wire
weaving words
as a safety net


I fell into a restful slumber
in woods beneath the living lumber
and while I was asleep I dreamed
(or at least that's how it seemed)

While visiting the land of nether
during rare warm winter weather
my mind expanded,to include all
from wood mites to trees so tall

They'd all joined in a great debate
ruled by calm reason not by hate
they elected a wise owl to speak
and thus end their silent streak


curl about
thrown without
thrice and vivid

Earned Fate

Living in the dark
the nocturnal creation
feels nothing
where we have a heart

Peering from a cell
through vacant eyes
sending daggers
while chained in hell

Turning human fate
into its own playtime
while The minds of men
fill with hate

The price of the toll
is paid with death
the nocturnal creature
collects the souls

They have opened the gate
bringing hell here to earth
Man has no idea
soon, it will be late

"Tomorrows Breath"

Plastic feelings,
long ago melted.
Dried prisms,
turned to crystal.

Obsolete dreams gone,
a fantasy replaced.
Fated words,
never again pass lips.

Once forgotten,
time holds no meaning.
Beyond our reality,
into tomorrows breath.

Immobile Hesitation

I wished with grace upon your head
Something great, majestic in tale

Where the radiant walking of life
Crowns vows whispered in night.

For a breath gently held
To remain tender in whole to bear,
With acceptance of your own gifting right;

There being no place
For pooled darkness to scoff forth
A piece of kindling spirit,

No murmurs roaring contradictions
No option of destruction.

Take a stare.
Wishful in taste I stay.
Fragile in every sense,
But ready to take a step.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.