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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Warrior (prose) -small revision for clarity

I was born to a family of Arrowak Indians.
My grandfather was the village Chief and a warrior.
I remember,
when I was a young child of about seven years of age..
My grandfather LeLe taught me the ways of the earth,
for he did not know any other God, even though the puritans tried.
He could not recognize a God, he could not see or touch.
He would say to me,
"The earth gives us everything we need to survive, and we in turn
must give back to the earth. because in the end it is to where we return."

the Book

It is an amazing story
interlacing and interweaving
every chronicle of every history
into a volume of life
worked to the smallest detail

plots and twists and mini themes
with everyone its hero

What great mind could author this?

A saga over eons
a tome with billions of characters
each at the centre of its own universe
printing the pages at the forefront of creation
living the words
learning the thoughts

Deconstructing in an attempt to comprehend
a genre of mixed emotion

white swan

california offers
no excuses
vanilla scents and
as if experience
is a first time
i sample it with
no expectations
a surprising occurrence

the entertaining flavor
will have no lasting effect
the sweetest fruit
never do

yet life gains another moment
to savor when days

how sad it becomes
a time line for death
while courage lingers
almost as a ballerina

on nervous toes

another swan dies
in a land of indecision

Share With Me

Share with me your secrets
I hope asking isn't wrong,

I'm just short some words
for a beautiful love song.

I'll fill the song with humor
if you'll share with me your smile;

and we'll end all of your sadness
by laughing all the while.

So, share with me those sad times
and all your lonely sorrows,

and we'll make those sad times go away,
to brighten all your tomorrows.

Then, our tomorrows will be made
because, we focused on truth, and goals;


I made a final trip back there
through July woods and stifling heat,
a trek that used to be a treat
when made with somebody to share,
A type of place that's truly rare.

Remote yet not too far away
huge beaver ponds filled with wild bass
who seldom let any lure pass
especially on a sunny day
when breezes made the cat tails sway.

Legs tripped over logs submerged,
hidden under the translucent surface
causing a slow and careful pace
no matter how the wander lust urged
or what types of snakes emerged.

Future Days

Future Days

fragments of
dissipating clouds
a backdrop
for the fading sun
framing memories
of my hunter days
when I was constantly
on the expansive run
now my path has narrowed
and my step has slowed
I recline on frayed pillows
closing my weary eyes
I remember younger days
When I had my choice
of all the young men
in my pavilion
I was mistress
of all I surveyed
then my eyes fell upon you
and never strayed

Peter Pan Nightmares on Chatham Avenue

out of sync the wheel
squeaks, too many little
brown mice with big mice ears

have chewed my bearings
a sunbeam sits on my
dislocated shoulder

and the cat's in the cradle
sleeping with the whole ball of wax
(what a yarn that is!)

i sharpen my nails and
dig in the posthumous dirt
of my arrival, coming

undone by the light of the silvery
moon, sprinkles melting on cupcakes
and newlyweds

A moment in the many

The days pass like mist now,
Swept gone before the sun,
Left fading as it blows to night,
Left fading as it takes a bow;

For I’ve spent too much time here,
Casting pebbles at the sea,
While I’ve known what I dreamt of,
While I’ve known what I fear;

But the silence does haunt me,
The sky shimmering to grey,
Half hoping for the coldness,
Half hoping just to be;


Not a whisper can be heard
from my constricted throat
by the image
I behold with my eyes

Oh freedom, save me
from this creature
who's stepped out
of my horror filled nightmare's

Praying for escape
While held in the grip
of a living hell hound
born of fire and hate

Is there a God?
I hear no answer
from above
is my pleading, lost

I am a non believer
now caught in heated fear,
I seek
of him that does not exist


Drugs can aid the ailing
And injure the consumer
Lacking in judgment

It hurts those using to amusing
Making folks yearning for highs
Remains unhealthy and unwise

Those entertaining
In place of sickness and ailments
Yield to deflate influences
Turns souls to evil

Destroying lives and minds

Various ones damaged by deceit
Others remain in Sheol
Waiting for renewed
Opportunities in life

May the spirit go back to God
The amusing drugs can overcome


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.