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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.





cut me the slack
and watch my back
the bitterness black
bottomless and
verve struck
rings like a hot nerve
we cut

this love

these words entice
like a kiss
wanton and
never given
like an obsession

being human

"The current rate of extinction is 100 to 1000 times higher than the average, or background
rate, making our current period the 6th major mass extinction in the planet's history."

at the expense of being human
the world is burning....
the aftermath of Civilizations,
less than empathetic
and intelligent
species vanish
a picture speaks for what the passenger
pigeon carried to the light of day,

“My Heart”

My heart breaks, for your adoration
My heart yearns, for your admiration
These arms are too short, to reach your heart

I think about you all the time
I imagine we are as one, making love to Roy C’s “I’ll always love you”
And dancing to Isaac Hayes “Stand Accused”

One day, I look to see your face appear in my presence
I sense, I will melt leaving a stain on the floor
Just like the wicked witch of the west



I try to a be a good daughter
a caring sister , be the best I can be.
It’s not enough,

Try to be me and let people be who they need to be.

Make an attempt not hurt any one
to consider everyone, but
I manage to cause pain,
my soul is drained.

Try to be me and let people be who they need to be.

I have so much love to share
but my vulnerabilities,
mean my heart is ripped out,
I’m going under.

Hear the cry,
I can never win.

A Very Brief Encounter

through the brilliant synchronicity
of all dynamic facets
she creates a vision
and lithe

a richly colored voice caresses
deep warm
breathy phrases
dancing through small giggles
and a sensual smile

without segue
robust laughter
disarming even the most rigid of cynics

a bit imperious
(in the best sense only)
yet, earthy as an heartland cornfield

she is a masterpiece


Summer days, moisture's haze,thrunder brays,lightning's laze

          sun goes,thunderhead grows,windows close, wildlife knows

                   hard wind,trees bend, warnings send,picnic's end

                                 puoring rain,loud refrain,hail's pain

                                           river's gain. house shakes

                                                           bough breaks

                                                               drowns snakes


This constant urge to run
It's beginning a blank slate
Instilled in the mind
As a child

Sitting in a darkened room
Staring into space
The old movie
Plays again
And again

A disquieting alarm rises
From somewhere deep within
A place where I thought
It was long buried

Now shaking off the
Dust of time
The silenced whispers
Are once again heard

Ever tearing at the veil
Needing to be recognized as
Valid thought

creature, as we are

i belong to a race of people
yet to be discovered
unseen by the multitudes
i travel the inner highway
to the sanctuary of your soul
seldom reach my destination,
there's no where that's not here,
and here is a perspective that is always present

i long to touch you, open the secret that is you
to the rain that falls far from the wasteland
of your inner flame
your heart in the sky,
with the leaves of Paradise.


Is it possible?
that possession entered
into what we both
have freely given

Now we both
feel the constrains
of love set in the

Did we over punctuate
without really understanding
what the ramifications
of wanting would be.

Where did we agree?
to this conjunction
words were never spoken
or read a syllabus of love
The joy of two dear friends
with benefits is lost
now we count every syllable
and react to every metaphor


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.