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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


You so compliment me

You so compliment me
As if I were a star,
A celebrity,
A sun,
A moon
From this unearthly earth
You would lift me soon,
Into the weeping valleys
Of shadowed eternity,
To where we all return,
Ere human maternity,
To strive in all malefactions custody
To seek final solace
After all the mercilessness of humanity,

So must I too return?
From here to the far folds of eternity…

But sad tis,
We all have to parade
The sojourn alone.

another poet is born

I dreamed of
and you
secrets of the night
of stars stretched over
us like blankets
of ebon light

jealous of lovers
and lovers of poets
we ruled heaven
like gods awakening
into skin,

eyes of rain

i tasted your salt
i tasted your blood,
i fastened myself to your roots
like a ball of earth,

triumphant with the spirit of the lily
and the rose

to rivers of stones
I give birth.

Blurred Absurd

looking up from her work
at me
to see


she can see
through me
from my eyes
how I scan
this scene surreal

as I stare back
from hers

at a self portrait

It happened once, during the darkest night
where even I could barely see,
staying that way until morning's light
when the shadows fade, setting us free.

And,the shadow players were also running free
on this particularly dark night,
taking advantage of us, as we could not see,
that these shadows were eating up all the light!

When daybreak returned with our sun's bright light
what my own eyes did finally see,
was that these darker shadows born from the night
were out and about, and a running free!

Monarch Butterfly

Wrap me
in wings of springs
cradle me in
loves simulations

Fly me
across meadows
of scented flowers
pollinating gathering
my hearts motivations

Feed me
with endless passion
the silk cocoon
of my

Carry me
on winds of migration
across the
of life's sensations

Re-born am I
with wings
to celebrate
the spring of my
loves exhilarations

A Ritual Endeavor

Your vapor brushes edges

my prism scatters time

presumptuous are circles
'round this sultry
sleight of hand.

Your song

a silent symphony
too raw to mend my tears
as it wedges through my essence;

floats half hung with muffled jeers.

Aphrodisiac of
mid ache of pointed pleasure

your release -

implicit servitude;
a wealth of weight and measure.

On the edge,
a new adventure -

adrenaline courses my veins


She spent her youth in dazzling displays
Many a suitor to her court turned off
Found fault with those who dared
Some with bad body odour, she said
With smelling armpits and mouths
Now, she is a husband snatcher

Her excuses, many and spurious
They couldn’t afford her outlay
Thought herself high and pricey
Lest poverty follow her to matrimony
With hungry looking big-headed brood
So she looked out for a man of means


trace your slender strong finger
down my palm
slipping words and musing
the wrist exposed
cradled in your work
your eyes glancing up
and the maple trees
hissing in the currents

if life were fair
and if it were so

all the lines
and extensions

the attonements
of movement
grace and meaning

etched in their
to be read
by talents


There you are in your new car
a convertible two seater
on the way to a nudie bar
an old bald headed cheater

At least, you would cheat if you could
but nobody takes the bait
did you really think they would
resign themselves to such a fate?

And now an errant puff of breeze
reveals a Donald Trump comb-over
a result which is bound to please
any girl who looks you over


I know how love has
etched itself into creases of a single night

when we wrote poetry with trembles
and sighs
and sang together in harmony
of heaving hips

above us
the moon spun
stars crumbled
and color was born

as awakening pressed yellow
against thin skin of my eyes
I found myself alone

only the shape of you lingered
sculpted in empty wrinkles
between silk sheets


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.