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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


my sins with Bukowski

you ramble with his poetry
book after book
but you are not a rose,
you are not a thorn
neither virgin, nor the whore
of his better days
under neon lights
and the sweat of inspiration

crying with Orbison and Lang
the touch that caressed
you deep
in the psyche of
your human jungle

you its prey,

and you build another empire
in the dust of your involution,
exhaling the animal instinct of a poem
you are its flame, but never quite
catch on fire


This land rooted in many aboriginal religions
Long before aliens came competing for devotees
Several aficionados hold onto their ways of life
At night, seek fortification from ancient deities
Then show up for supplication on sanctified days
Set aside by the invading majority, these fogies
Influenced our conducts, three faces of adoration

we do not write about

we do not write about
what we do not know
the so-called visionaries
in a frantic world
savoring chances taken
mourning lost opportunities
advancing with unmatched passion
a mere reflection of our double-life

we do not write about
what we do not know
but of the esoteric
world inside our heads
of displaced bullets
or the bothersome sometimes
bull-headed black holes in our souls

Mortality And Sanity

Our minds are powerfull
taking us to places
cold ,dark and damp

Where tendrils of evil
reach out
to claim
a life

At times,this life
not worth saving

Spiders thread
holds fast
binding all to
sanity and mortality

Dangling on
the precipice of
life's lies

Only to find
We are not immortal

on the road to what stands in the way


as the thread continues
to weave itself
into a long-ago Jersey summer:

sometimes wild geese
lose their balance and land

we were young then
and the days ached
with laughter


lingered near the river
under a Bodhi tree,
it was then I picked up my
satchel of sorrow

my shadow
walked away

and the ground swallowed my tears...


I want to wrap you in poems
take you away from the door
you keep bringing me to

Face It

a face
your face
not just a physical structure
hard set by boney beams
but a response to life

self customizing
moment to moment

you are a drama queen
a quick change artist
in wide screen

"now showing"

a nuanced teleplay of you
read and reviewed easily
by even the new illiterate chic

no private pages
no blindfolded lines
no redacting masks
that aren't revealing
in and of themselves

Bad Girls

Bad girls, bad girls
Whatcha gonna do, gonna do today

Steal a van from a friend
Break a car window
Bad girls, bad girls
Whatcha gonna do, gonna do today

Sell your phone for some dough
Gas up the van and go
Wreck in a blinding storm
Trying to get home
Bad girls, bad girls
Whatcha gonna do, gonna do today

Run away from the clatter
Leave the van in the canal
Hitch hike a ride with a traveler
Get home in time for a party
Bad girls, bad girls
Whatcha gonna do, gonna do today

Politics of the Future World

Politics of future world

What will be your guises when you return,
can you take my mind to dance upon beaches.
Could you be masquerading at the lectern,
chasing sleeping morals beyond our reaches.

These questions I ask with candid voice,
equating your answers to be in part lying.
Loosing all command of fraternal feeling,
clinging to your words litigation simplifying.

What price the prancing prince,
who dances on the bones of better men.
Causing the proudest now to wince,
families to dream and all hope abandon.


I fell in love
With silence
That lingers
No straight jacket
This pen

My mind
A kettle filled
with boiled words
I wait for society
to stop stereotyping

I have not morphed
Into a lab rat
Of society
that judges blindly

I grew into
a wordsmith
that eases
anxiety filled

Through ink
honesty breathes


Her wish to go to church eternal
Granted finally by pulmonary accident
Attack on battered heart sent shocks
Sugar level assisted a flushing flow
That which numbed the brain into a coma
Seven days in counting, breathing stopped
Madam Elsie, our mother, is dead

Bedridden by incapacitating illness
With days of worthy services behind
She wanted an end to her unhappiness
To stop the pains of a suffering flesh
Of lonely unproductive moments
And of the strains she put on her brood
Madam Elsie died to free them all


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.