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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Postmodern yellow brick road

Junkies and gangsters and whores, oh my!
Junkies and gangsters and whores, oh my!

If I had a brain
I would not medicate my pain

If I was brave
I would not crave
other people's fear

If I had a heart
my original art
would need no pay.

Silent and Still

There are many notes on my heart
scars, gallops, and pain.
Like a metronome you bested me,
Now acapella is in my name.

Little did I know
that a year from now
I would be on stage
and you on the prowl.

Wrapping me in your arms
you forgot to let me breathe.
That manly scented body
turned to jealous greed.

I no longer taste your lips
Now the table holds your band
we could not serve together,
So I no longer serve a man.

~be still






dark wind

slip softly through the shadows

of white-washed air




like ghost rain



like the migration of clouds


there is a meadow

of a thousand lost fireflies

that dream in my eyes

like distant stars

over moon-bright water



dark wind


as crickets sing

the softest lullaby

let nightfall

cradle my evergreens

soothe my mountain soul


Eliese (eddy styx) mild


in the bright noonday sun
her hair was the color
of creamy golden caramel
tilting her head to peer up at me
long lashes lacing each other
on her peach blushing cheek
just dusting her captivating skin
she looked good enough to eat
(so I bit her...)

Cassandra's Rainsong

It's the seventh month once again
the fireworks allowed that to be known,
my thoughts turn towards my daughter
and how much my girl has grown.

Turns out she's quite the mother!
She deserves some sort of crown,
she deals with so much on her plate
rarely caught letting anyone, down.

I believe she's really happy
though, in life there's always strife;
her secret is to do what she must
to achieve a happy life.

mutual masturbation

my mind is a crippled pear
speckled with afterthoughts
i get a little nervous and a little
tense if i don't get the punchline

but please don't open my skull
with the decadence of foreplay
ease me off my cloud of unknowing
with a gentle touch
and let it be

i still don't know how to play your tune
and if i must sing
i will drown
sinking like the sunset,

trembling like a leaf
on its way to the join the compost
of the nearly dead.


when the sun smiles on the leaves
just so,
they build a bridge across....

what bullshit! what banality!

i wouldn't know what a soul was
or wasn't
if it bit me on the arse,
if that
and i'd probably attribute it
to the nasty neighbor's drooling dog

and all i can do is mythopoesize
as long as i'm not in the grave,
creepy crawly things in hot pursuit,
waiting for some kind of recollection.


Pondering on the scriptures story
Of a rich man reduced to poverty
The vicissitudes of life he suffered
The struggle to keep a sane life intact
His foes warned, touch not the anointed
His wealth returned and so increased

Men, like Job are around us today
Made gains, married and multiplied
The ill wind of fortune moved around
And abided in their homes for a while
Some regained, reaped the harvest high
Graves swallowed others with their debts


There was a time when love was free
to make and share it had no price.
It was alright to just "be";
liberation was the only vice

But that was many wars ago
ere innocence of youth was lost.
Like old piles of dirty snow
now mortality figures in the cost.

For love can now result in death
and needles don't deliver life.
Where now the beauty which took my breath
cutting as deep as any scythe?

~air of contentment

the heart of a woman

is deeply rooted

like a wild violet


and to know

the way berries warm inside a


to watch vines unfold a thousand


see poppies spread wide



to know this

is the only wisdom

worth knowing


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