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Naked- Writing with Emotion Workshop

Abrupt intake of idolatry
as softly, languid eyes imbibe
each facet.

You invade reality
stunning my logic,
hooking yourself into my resistance.

The essence of my existence
the crux of it all.
You are woven into every fibre

Impetuous, perilous, sensation
as I expose the delicate under belly,
Naked, open to you.

We are we; perfectly..

We are we; perfectly…

What is this fog that calms our love, silent mist,
you and I were above this we thought.
My mind runs back through days of want and angry words,
oh how wonderfully passionate we fought.

Your intense angry eyes inflamed my raging rhetoric,
mouthing fiery daggers to a heart so loved.
Mirrored was my suicide, a creation of self conceit,
thrown in with a hand perfectly gloved.

Death Wish

Bury me
beneath the apple tree
I grew from seed.

An Epitaph

The digits, that reached you
Behind a strip of red
Hiding, just as you
The end, unwritten,
In one last cold breath.

Perhaps, your greatest trick
Was convincing me
That you never existed at all?

I remember
Alone in an alien town, with you
Drenched in one another’s tones
Your eyes, filled with affection
Mine overflowing with longing
A breakfast we will never forget
An evening we can’t help but remember


This garden was so well begun
fresh ground broken fine and deep
beneath a free and warming sun
after winter's dark cold sleep

Laid out with a studied eye
each seed planted in it's perfect row
fertilized beneath an azure sky
a few storms, and it began to grow

Each sprout came up green and strong
unmarred by either storm or pest
thinking nothing could go wrong
we decided it was time to rest

Give Me a Break !

Each musician plays their instrument
with fellow prodigies, one can bet;

when the "gig" does finally, get underway
he's not focusing on the music in each set.

What this minstrel quietly contemplates
isn't the forty-five minutes he's, played;

what really stands out in his "first mind"
is what's owed to him, after the music's been made.

You see, out of each, and every hour
fifteen minutes are his own,

My time is not up yet

In the frolic of
folly i amaze
into metaphorical mystery
i gaze.
Stark naked eyes
the blank.
A mysery self-wrought
in the brooks
woods walked.
Then the last breath
shall surge
half in half out.
My soul if i have one
may submerge
In the glorification
of time
I thought
was once only mine..


©Cyrus Dali Vesuvala

Did you ever think just what you cost her?
Or, were you only having your fun?
Now you know that you’d already lost her
When you thought you’d just begun...

You wooed her with your innocence,
You wooed her with your style,
You wooed her with the freshness of
Your famous boyish smile-
You stripped her of her self-respect,
You stripped her of her shame
And, to strip her of her everything's
The essence of your game…

Saturday morning

brown stains on freshly-mowed grass
death comes mourning,
to others
the gift of light receding
earth-roots tapping
less the water

replicating patterns of beauty
in near-death experiences
we hold what is dear close to old visions
scattering prisms of hope
and hope
love will find a way.

It's Periodical

There's something that is a really changing
and that, can also heal a broken heart,

some days, it's a moving tediously slow
other days, it'll tell you, you can't start.

Seems like folks are always running out of it
and, there's even an iced cold, Miller one,

it folds, and melds into some sort, of a kind of a table
yet, had to create different zones so we could get things done.

It's only but an increment of measure
but claims, all along to be on your side;


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