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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Burning words drenched through
soaked with fuel
spiked with poison my
venomous soul
once trapped
banished within
my serpents tongue
Forked and forced into a
so tight
breathing life of fume
and dancing flame
beating as one with rage
fighting to
like the torrential force
of the coming storm
with rapid erosion
a crushing wave
streaks of lightning
crack open the dark
with piranha teeth
these words spiral
spin, bite and


A black smoke column grows in height
in New York on such a fine fall day
and it leads to a wondrous sight
heroes running toward it, not away

At the five sided eagle's heart
another shining silver spear of war
signaled a new existence's start
but condensed resolve within our core

In Pennsylvania's cool crisp air
when passengers foresaw their fate
heroic actions sprouted there
the first charge against the ones who hate

mnenomic Dali

the tipping point
the road is smooth
but not yet traveled
creature comforts for a fool's paradise,
what do I know, for example?

the night is long and dark in the algid breath
of winter and spring comes on forever
no matter the discontented hour.
I'm just an old fool sometimes,
my body is my cage, my mind a sharpened weapon
lacking courage to pluck out my own eyes, strange
thoughts govern;


lay beneath the window
where the cool breath
falls in across the sill plate
through the tired metal
screen that holds the
squares of opaque rain

each crucial star a beacon

each breath a prayer
on fresh sun dried sheets

"Our souls are imperfect"
we spoke aloud reading together
as the pines gathered the brilliant
dance of dusk
the lake shivering with gusts

we bear the imperfection like
a contusion on the mould

Standing Moral, or Grave Reason...

Standing Moral, or Grave Reason

What fate awaits me behind your withered look
is it but a friendly death or tortured consequence
Why would death befriend an idle miscreant like I
would I have deserved this blessed relief.

What and who gives you the right to torture souls
with your inefficient intellectual public school ways
No moral standing I would wager did you attain
under those marshalled mind manipulating masters.

Fucking mother fucker
makes me want to rip heads off.

Two bit male slag 
Can't keep it in his pants
Whips it out when ever he can

Want to destroy the arse holes
Of the species
Castrate scum suckers of this world.

I'm not a violent girl 
I'm meek and mild 
shouldn't let you  do this to me

But my blood boils 
Feel the need to massacre 
when I see you dicking me around 


When the world
Seems dead and gone
And the silence
Is all that prevails

On my lips I’ll taste
The richness of the soil
And nothing can be seen
When my eyes are closed

What then can I say
When my words
Are sealed away
Not in concrete or steel

In a place where memories
are never heard
swirling with those
That can't find a place.

Those that remain
Won't in time remember
How long I walked
Upon the earth


The minute hand is slowly creeping
as I sit here late at night, unsleeping.
While outside a bat keeps on tapping
at door glass he's softly rapping.

T.V. on for background noise
(news denoting dreads and joys)
as pen awaits something to write
in Carolina late at night.

Unnoticed, soon my eyes grow weary,,
then drooping lids make sight grow bleary

Glacial Creeping - Fear- writing with emototion

Glacial sweat creeping down the back of my neck
trickling through my senses
penetrating my reserves.

Brittle nerves fracturing with the strain
Try to scream nothing emanates
I’m mute.

Racked and shaken
On my knees
Gripping on for safety

Catatonic with dread
As foot steps draw near
Cold blade between the ribs.

Is only because
your brain is so wired,
Despite your ailment
You are bright
While others not ill,
Are so much without
Depth, love and insight

Because our brains are integrated
Cast at birth
While in the womb
The mom knows not
what she is thinking about
Of the loveliest new arrival
or the tomb


Her thoughts get transplanted
In our infant
yet to be born ,
developing mind
Where can then anyone,two
Identical kind of brains ever find.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.