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The stream (all workshops)

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You make me laugh
Each time you talk
On your good choices
To deify your gods
With celestial cathedrals
And mighty mosques
I turn around to see
A pot calling a kettle black

You ridicule my ways
Call them primitive past
Scornfully spit on my shrines
Claim a better understanding of life
You know very little about me
A pot calling a kettle black


splayed out
Im paraylsed by the compassion of your fire
how you tinge every touch
such bitter kiss
cloaked with woven ways
wound with ribbon rivers

all your pockets
teem with deadly treasure
the sweet guillotine
doll head eyes
as blue as winter skies

"all love is sweet"
a sing song farewell
inked scroll script
as lively as
Once Upon A time

The Corner Shop

I have this recurring dream in which I am pursued and devoured by a giant ball point pen, which shouts triumphantly ; " I AM BIC - PEN : TAM EATER! !

The Corner Shop
On down the stairs to reach the old front door
I clutch the list that gives me power to buy
The groceries and hardware but no more
Than items she denotes, I dare not try.
On down the stairs to reach the old front door
I clutch the list that gives me power to buy
The groceries and hardware but no more
Than items she denotes, I dare not try.

The Hollow that Filled Up the Winter Air

A need spawned a late night journey
that I cared not, really to make;
night's shadows were lined up, silently
lying in wait for evening's chill, to take.

Crooked fingers reaching for the sky
trees silhouetted against the night,
though late, I still needed to visit the mart
so off I walked, with the moon shining bright.

The air out, was really "hollow", and "cold"
much cooler than earlier, that day;
I had to hurry before the night grew too old
and other creatures could arrive out, to play.


"look like a dirty girl"
there is ash and grit
rise of cheekbone
flecks like black snow
the long strands that flow
cupola of soul
where your dark wings

I can smell the smoke
along your spine
cities and feilds
forests in the murk
the saplings scorched
the chimneys rising
stoic and windowless
torn walls

feet are dusted with all
that is crumpled
the great passion
converging like swirling


Blow you strong northwestern wind!
shake the windows, toss the trees
show summer out and autumn in
time approaches for first freeze

Fill the sky of blue with gray
bring the long forgotten rain
which has been too long away
return moisture to the world again

Loosen acorns for the falling
blow the spots off of the fawn
set the geese and ducks to calling
roust hunters out before the dawn

If you asked the ages of man throughout its convoluted history,
from where comes this rage upon Eve and her daughters,
unto the land of Cain and his father,
there would be only lines of poetry on this page,
a million poets with pens in hand
like flowers for Algernon.

Seepage - Final writing with emotion poem

Makes me want to rip heads off.
Bullshit, verbal leakage
you are putrid seepage,
dripping down my brain.

Glacial sweat creeping down the back of my neck
trickling through my senses
feel the need to massacre ,
as I am , lying in this metaphorical gutter.

Tiny bites nip at my
self control. Testing my durability .
Laying me low.
The crux of it all.

An Intermittent Rule of Thumbs

Please try and sever all your stupid ties

because she's so not into, you!

A heart that's died,
can't be denied,

it might be that it's your "cue"!


It's never going to get easier

so keep your cards close to the vest.

Put away that cross,
and start hitting the "sauce",

you can't beat 'em, so join the rest!

The Diplomatic Social Assassin

"Oh, hi.......and a good day to you, fellow traveler"
I then, re-burrowed my nose in my book,

seemed like an exceptional thing to do, at the time
I certainly didn't want to give him, the "look".

Coerced into riding the train into work
I didn't need some "nut" rattling on,

but he continued to yammer on endlessly
I made a point of letting him see me yawn.

No matter the topic, my thoughts were "suspect"
so, he kept arguing with me all along,


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