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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



To baptize we were asked to learn
Catechism by heart and words of creed
Words born out of understanding the law
Graded in stages of one, two and three

We passed from Monday class to the next
Tuesday graduated to mature Wednesday
The holy book was read in native tongue
Difficult it was, I panicked all the time

Reading a verse each, I counted my turn
Rehearsed to flow if none missed the twirl
So it was my roll to read verse twelve
Steeped in nervousness, I said, ‘twelve verse’



Like ghosts from a Netherland
In bands one by one
Along blackened bloodied roads
They marched
Shadows against a dying sun
These Makers of words
And Tellers of other ways

For they were taken
By the sublime madness
That was theirs
Dangers to the New State
These Seducers of souls
And Enemies of Hate

And so into Night’s dishonor
They quietly fled
Each and every one
Shadows against a dying sun

Bacha Market: An Experiment in Regionalism

In the early 1900’s the American public was introduced to a new type of literature. It could be
purchased cheaply, digested by many, and served as a gateway to parts of the country that, for the most part, due to economic, social, and infrastructure issues lay beyond the means of the ordinary
citizen. The works were classified under the broad term of regionalism and they took readers to the


laying on the ground
still hot from the sun
Blades of grass tickle
our ankles
our necks
Gazing upwards
watching the gallop
of clouds

Another Shade of Blue

My window boxes are chattering in the haze,
its earth rained out, vines hanging long on the
streets of Babylon, the evening is cool and the days
are shorter now.

The Desert Forest

I'm convinced I'm surrounded by idiots
and, they're totally driving me mad!

I thought briefly about e-mailing friends
but, some idiot took the lap-top, I had!

If idiots were trees, I'd tell you what;
this, high desert'd be a forest, for sure;

I'm still deciphering if there are any that're normal
because, it's getting way too much for me to endure!

Sometimes, when in an intensely deep conversation
they'll appear, as though they knew what you'd said;

Children of the Future

Blatantly raised by the inept
then, shuffled off to school;

being taught to love thy neighbor
and understand the "golden rule".

Their pencils become weapons
but, it's all cookies, and lemonade;

remember to keep your nose, "clean"
study hard...and make the "grade"!

Always listen to the teacher
because the teacher's who's in charge;

and, when the final bell does ring
they see, a "latch-key world" large.


Hidden by false civility
teeth veiled by lips of greed
claws kept sheathed
during the stalk for

The twinkle in those laughing eyes
the same as any predator's
when sizing up its quarry

Those who think that they're his friend
due to false mask of good will
are merely meat in waiting
ear-tagged future meals for him
when profit's hunger makes him drool
take care not to be his fool

I got something for you

You should never believe everything people say
About people, but
Should take  seriously everything people tell you
About a person, because
If you don't 
it may and often does come back to bite you in the heart



I glide to a melody in minor key
and sing my melancholy
in lyrics that belong to me alone

I strike like molten steel
embers flowing deep into the heart
of humankind

I take the soul to a knowing
not pleasing to see
not easy to endure

I now wander aimlessly
no longer of the Clan
wondering if the words I speak
were ever worth the telling


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