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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


shape-shifters on the horizon looming like clouds

The mountain stream, pure and cold flows
swiftly into pumpkin and juniper seeds and docile rivers
no higher than a knee,
and the river bends through
the painted earth and snakes its way into the myopic sea.

The bloodstone roots with childhood's end.
The moon, hanging loosely, shape-shifts into images,
blow away like old men puffing on hand-rolled cigars.


For us to gain freedom from ignorance
We mortgaged our houses to pay bills
That our young ones may read and write
And learn the ways of the west

It was a purpose worth dying for
That our offspring will be liberated
From burden of heavy taxation
So we starved to make ends meet

For us to realize our common goals
We made sacrifices, not to the ancient gods
But toiled like slaves to the imperial masters
That was the only way we had to go

Cotton Island

So I'm not really sure whether to do this as a poem or a blog post but.... here we are. I've been working on using poetry with different medias in order to increase its accessibility to the general public, and to make it easier to digest for the MTV Jersey Shore generation (sadly, my generation). This latest piece I've been working on will be in an art installation in November. I am trying to make it the best that it can be. I've uploaded it to youtube and there will be a shiny blue link below this paragraph for you to check out.


There is a time in your life
When you go through a change
Now, that it's been  three months
I'm planning a men-o-pause party
For my fifty first birthday, yeah!

An operation removing tubes and organs
Bring men-o-pause on early
Making life free from reproducing, but
No matter the freedom to be free
Nothing compares to men-o-pause brought on naturally


In silent ways

I speak to you in silent ways
the stillness you hear in you is me
I am the breath when you awake
the warmth that fills your heart
when it aches
the light you seek when you despair
you will know me
in what makes you smile
the tears you cry
and when you die
I will be in your last sigh



nerves raw and stuttering
with pure impatience
I await changes that
seem never to come
stuck at the mercy
of another's indulgence
I pace in anticipation
grinding my teeth
in needling frustration
there are confidences
on your enticing lips
There are secrets here
to be revealed
perhaps I need a spade
instead of a spoon
to unearth them


her bodies worn like a watch
her fingers trace

pretty as she is
its how she likes to spend
her time

she can vanish in a crowd
but timeless
wears forever

its her spotlight

A Ghost of a Chance

I thought I knew just who I was
until you entered through the door,

we began talking casually
until you told me what you longed for.

You said you yearned for someone
who'd fullfil your wildest dreams,

and as you got even more specific
you began unravelling at the seams!

I did my best to comfort you
as you sat beside me, on the floor;

then, I explained to everyone...
..I was the one you were looking for!

I alone, could banish each lonely night
and end your futile, dating quest!

A Soul of One of the Damned

I found out of your hidden agendas
because I've been watching you, very carefully
and then, I finally saw your soul!

It was very agitated and went in and out of your body
as if to mock, the very cadence with which I breathed, turn, very much unsettled myself;

for I was unaware of your growing irritations,
and your tendencies to keep secrets, and share falsehoods.
But, your lies, and misleading ways concerned me not.

pity the pity Descartes found

Pity the mere pittance of grey,
grey skies over a flatlander
hanging on by a thread
there is no breeze to assuage
this colourless dimension,
there are no rocks that survive
without being tied to sky..

I wear them like pearls, weighing
me down,
unable to lift away my heavy heart
my swan song on pointed toes,
rolling away the thunder,
the Lady of the Lake rises
like a dream,
like a drag queen,


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.