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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I'm actually not too sure
whether she was an, "old soul",
or I was an immature one.

The complete, bottom line was,
that we were both, "ageless"
while we were, together.

I was exactly twenty years, her senior,
but, that didn't really seem to matter.
We were merely, "happy" we were together.

There was this one thing, though
and, I didn't really ever factor it in;
but, whether or not...we always got along didn't matter;

Above Mice, and Men

Mind your pints, and friend
last one up, pays the bill;

I guess I'll need a "wingman"
to procure a date against her will.

Let's party, hearty...and let it all hang out
then, we'll let the good-times, roll;

there are mini-tacos after the game
and afterwards, we all may leave to go bowl.

We will synchronize our watches
and like always, let the "best" man win;

we'll get there early for the good seats
and officially let the games begin.

The Brick Sonnet

THE BRICK sonnet
The Wee Elf wants this mundane, "LIke a Brick".
My heart sinks, should I give my muse a rest?
Can mundane still be novel? That's some trick.
It's not just words in poems that may get stressed.
Although I'm slow, I'll try to write them down-
Those lines that flow unbidden from my gob,
I'll try to get them bouncing, metric, sound
If really good give up my daytime job.
Here in my hand I hold two common bricks,
Their purpose, to be part of someone's home.

This Ol' Rocker

Melancholy are my mood swings
concerning events from my past,

I've been thinking about past scenes
and things I thought wouldn't last.

Everything still stays with me
and, regrets do have their place;

but, I never thought I'd see
them laughing right in my face!

So, I keep on rocking
in this old chair of mine,

remembering all that has happened
sipping on life's sweet-berry wine.

I don't recall having much of a choice
with all these things I regret,

The Inhumanly Maniacal

Lacking their integrity and,

what can start as a summer rain
can leave one's heart, a mess.

It's taking quite a toll on me
and left my heart in disrepair,

it's really such an evil curse
this damned ability to care.

My own knowledge of some truths, of late
have hurt me to my "core",

it's so difficult to comprehend
folks I care for being so morally poor.

I received an accommodation
a "badge" of merit, if you will;

Snack Time (meter workshop)

Try buttering bread naked, and precariously clumsy.
Invite a mate, one unopposed to a little spillage,
and without the best selling brand of paper towels,
buttered bread, buttered bread, have some fun,
feed a friend.

RAKING LEAVES ( meter workshop)

It's time I rake the leaves outside
so now I'll go and get the rake
at the insistence of my bride
and for propriety's sole sake

I'll rake leaves into small piles about
under the swing and old grape vine arbor
working beneath warm autumn sunshine
a yearly necessary labor

Soon wiping sweat from wrinkled brow
muscles loosened from the work
I survey a job well done
and get a drink of tea

Theatrical Thesis

Theatrical Thesis…

Two lines into a poet’s song can say more
to me than a thousand preachers preaching
like the speed of light is invariably faster
than sound from a thousand tyres screeching.

So please switch on the light at speed,
as I have only one minute in mind.
As all of you know the worlds great need,
is for people to be more tolerant and kind.


dream trickles down
like the damp wood
of the raceway

above the dark embrace
of the day we can hear
the birds

the soft mute rot of leaves
the silver backbone of
the glacial scar stone

and light falls down on
her face and eyes
the shadows easing
like camaflouge

beautiful and intense


When wrinkles start appearing
Getting deeper by the day
With liver spots accruing
And the hair is going grey
The early morning aches and pains
A stomach growing flabby
The crows feet and the flatulence
No wonder you feel crabby


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.