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Eternity apocalypse 3

Lonely planet, two inhabit the universe
Forging on the will to survive. 
Indication of life amongst the remains
He discovers a loved one's grave

Making camp near by he keeps watch
Days pass, desolation resides.
He passes on, she passes by,
He has gone.

Eternal strangers, loneliness eating them alive 
Each unaware of other.
Existing in parallel,
Live out there days alone,

The Beginnings of Goodbye

wandering through town
washed clean by the last deluge
sparkling black shimmered
and I found peace under a rock
in rows of corn

I drank water and broke bread
as two hundred miles
separate two half hearts
ever aching and reaching
for your touch

I miss you
as I'll love you

With his fingertips

They met
and traced the lines of poetry
into skin
that night
a light shined into the darkness
and the moon

Heaven and earth moved
a little closer.

With her fingertips

Kneeling before the lake,
she broke a thousand mirrors
with her fingertips
and the light danced
like reflections to and from the sky
and the sky hung its head
like a saddened
it rained for a long, long time.


All his lyrics come from a bottle
so I need to ask
will Noah dance
on lamplight
coffee stains on his shirt
his knobby ankles creaking from age,
oh he loves his lungs dry
but tonight Im smoking Samson out of my blood

Mary Mary quite contrary oh Miss Magdelene hear me now,
you know how a womans tears curve down cheekbones
scheduled out silent and angry
we remember when our bodies were once a secret kept.

Rebirth apocalypse 2

Dark side of the universe
Abandoned soul survives alone
except for his dog.

Travels the wastelands in search 
Of another soul
In manic desperation for the human touch

Decades pass and all that arrives
Is mother nature
The earth becomes a verdant green

Opposite side of the of the earths' rebirth 
She waits by the graveside of her last link
To the time before the big bang.

Two stripped down strung out
Survivors barely holding onto sanity
Each oblivious to the other.   


rain is running

wind jumps
and drips
takes the light
into dark
from pretty lights
the tall and soaring

and im damp
and dreaming
watching plate glass

Skeleton Parade

Ten little Skeletons marching in a line,
One got lost in the pumpkin patch,
Now there'e only nine.

Nine little skeletons dancing out the gate,
One tripped over a sleek black cat,
Now there's only eight.

Eight little skeletons, lead by one named Kevin,
He went on a date with a pretty witch,
Now there's only seven.

Seven little skeletons ready for treats and tricks,
One flew away on a giant bat,
Now there's only six.

Bundle of joy

Doesn’t he look like his mother
And the nose, it’s his fathers you know
Look at his grin and the shape of his chin
He’s the image of your brother Joe
The hair, there’s so much, it’s amazing
It’s like granddads before it fell out
His lungs are so strong, well it won’t be too long
He’ll be screaming and running about
Oh bless him he’s smiling, he’s lovely
He’s so cute you could eat him for tea
His eyes, well, they’re certainly grandma’s
Pick him up, pass him over to me
He must be an absolute treasure

if it bleeds it leads

if it bleeds it leads
is the lead-in story
for Alternet, an alternate
syndication to a means of
skillful assessment with and


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