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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


For You All Who Know Me


I roam the world
and my cat’s whiskers;
give me the wisdom,
to follow you or any one...
Now I have seen Bombay 17 times
in my life...
ask me where you stay
I will tell,
one hundred miles
I maybe wrong

I like and
I love
those who love me,
as friends
as I am only love hungry
I eat little
far less than what's needed for my age...
you all are lovely friends of Neopoet
So I love you all
from this far distance

6:36 in the morning

With a sky so grey,
       clouds arrive to break
                up its monotony,
with a wind so cold
       to an unseen
                stretch of limbs, howling
with a lake so hungry
       stealing shadows
                of wild geese, passing

days are shorter now,
pallid with an early decay,

       there is a distance
                I travel to the midnight moon, lamenting
with the streetlights, a loneliness.

Four "mind rhymes".

I have a cat
upon a mat
that is too fat
and that…is not salubrious.
It eats the rat
and eats the bat
and leaves the scat
and that…is downright tedious.
Its charm is flat
for such a brat
and will not chat
and that…is just discourteous.
So time this prat
became a hat
that I shall pat
on head and that is surely the end of this small poem.
(prat- buttocks [slang])

Assonance and Consonance

Workshop Exercise

Poem 1
I don't think there is a boy
who doesn't crave a brand new toy
and will use whatever ploy
to gain the toy he will enjoy

Poem 2
If on arriving at work later
you find your work-load that much greater
you may consider driving straighter
than a frustrated restaurant waiter
or a seriously drunken skater.


night eject
the sharp edge chamber
we finger
Out here where the black rains linger

Pass me your tastes
these needs jangling
in our jackets

slung about our souls
like bandolier fruits
ripe and bitter
volatile love

hear the shreik of the
streetcars and dazzle
with the flashbulb pop

Glazing Over (rhyme shop)

When I awoke this morning
the glaze was conquering me,
strong dark and all consuming,
inflicting its criminal, nasty deed.

I tried to shake it off,
tried to milk my life for more,
but the ho-hum shit of every day
has allowed the misted shore.

Before long I succumb,
left to wonder why I've tried,
maybe I'm going through the motions
simply because I haven't died.

Trained to the haze
and openly its whore,
gray skies, clouded eyes,
bending to this world.

Man eating chicken

I once saw a man eating chicken
It was truly a hideous sight
It wasn’t quite what I expected
As I walked down the street late at night

I watched as the victim lay helpless
I stood in the lamplight alone
Rooted with fear by the sounds I could hear
While the flesh was ripped off of the bone

I took in the view there before me
Appalled by the thing’s I could see
As the huge hulking beast continued to feast
I feared the next victim was me


Wrapped up in tendencies
a poet undressed
refers to herself
as a malcontent,
her inclinations and aspirations
are ordinary as a bitch in heat,
still she finds an altered ego
and nails it to the floor

like a pink-nosed puppy.
she follows them around,
taking notes for later transcription
she makes a mockery of things
that circle about like vultures
of the non-discreet.

In the Solace of Prayer

a symphony of prayer
touches my mind
and in the peace
of whispered words
I soothe my heart

some are imprinted
without thought
as filigreed light
warms my soul,
they slip out
as an adoration
sung from the heart

in these moments
of reverence and love
where no pain can burn
or malice survive

I come as close to heaven
as I can bear to be

Rain of Songs

Rain Of songs..

What force is this that carries a
heart’s intentions into uncertain moments?
could a lover’s attention ever waver afore
a persons unkind comments?. I say in this
state the heart does not stutter but surges
forth scattering all such thoughts of speech
amid the clutter for on this journey there
is a rain of songs and the true heart can
be lifted by notes to heights,
where it belongs..


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.