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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Savor the Moment

A moment united
An awesome distinct thought,
point of view, none imagined

an idea freshly decided
initiated from creative cruxes of poetic etches
should be mounted, the next time

unveiled nuggets, shimmer in the light of your eyes
and, enhance taste, savoring the moment

My Poetic Child

Oh, child
you brighten
the darkest

oh, you have grown
intro a young man
that embraces

you took my demons
as you became home
to my wildest

a tear of joy
falls on my pad
my dark thoughts
flee at your sight

son, this world
felt monotonous
until you smiled
and my worries
were on the first flight
out of my mind

when I almost lost you
I became useless
As the time hesitated


To learn to love
I created you
The feeling
Left me spellbound
There you were
My phantom love
I desired nothing but you
In the pages of books I read
In work place
And in my dreams
I prostrated before your feet
Stretched my hands
To behold you
The empty space
Graced my hands
Brought cool chill
To the marrow in my spine
I looked again
Through misty air
To where you stood
You were not there
Gone without thinking of me
I was only a living pity

The Nascent and Cordial Rose Found Love

Fresh with ideas
Prudent with years
beyond her bloom of youth

Beautiful as nascent rose
she’s adorned with wisdom and grace

Enhanced with brashness
Sensitive with years
beyond his bloom of youth

Stunning as cordial rose
he’s adorned with empathy and charm

A nascent, cordial pair
Fresh, enhanced, discreet, complex, tangled with passion
Both beyond their bloom of youth

Beautiful, stunning as decorated duo rose
Together adorns wisdom, grace, empathy, and charm with their love

The Lepidopterist

The aging lepidopterist

Eternally the optimist

A lifetime spent in searching for

The rarest creature, nothing more

But one day soon without a doubt

He’s sure that he will seek her out

He’ll net this most elusive bug

And finding her, they’ll kiss and hug

Then looking deep within her eyes

His stomach fills with butterflies



the sun rises to colors pale

in my world of affliction

my body broken

my spirit on razor's edge

I bear my existence and endure

as best my nature will allow

I compromise to God’s betrayal

and suffer the loss of human dignity

my soul bound to its own agony

freely speaks its crucifixion

yet no one dies of a spirit broken

a heart in sunder does not stop beating

the mind does not seek insanity

for the truth it knows

No pain can steal my fire

No reality my light


consumed with waves
the shadowlair
shock lies sleeping

its true marble wonder
these smooth offerings
of love and damage

and white cap bitterness
shall wash
away the little tears

feel the true storm
ravaging bones
alive she cried

and the velvet night
will supplicate
the wound
and soothe
the ache
of heartbreak

A Looking Glass, Darkley

I saw through a looking glass, darkley
there were raindrops running down

and every day
was the same way

in this dismal, little town.

Not everyone had lights that shined
some you couldn't see at all

they may have sinned
or lost theirs in the wind

for the season was always fall.

The smattering of lights that shown
were few, and far between

but, the light allowed
by that small crowd

made the streets seem not so mean.

Then, in the light of day
the dark ones deep in debt

Lovely Dreams

Love and dreams,
are two banks of a river

neither can meet the other


Eventually we must veer
to meet each other,
across all waters and barriers


then you will know,
i do,
What you do

Snowglobes of C-rae

Cool, Cheshire nights
following extraterrestrial days at the walk-in cinema;
to a day where you said to bet a horse named, "Five, daddy, five"!

Which all wouldn't have been possible
if it weren't for the collapse
of a long discarded picket fence
that watched you learn to walk.

I shared that fence with a girl I thought I knew
or wanted very much to have a shot at trying to

But, my point is this;
we two shared the brightest neon glow that "true magic" has to offer !


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