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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Key To My Mind

I no longer allow others to control me,

Because I am the one who holds the key.

I will not shake in fear or distress,

I will stand my ground while others detest.

For whatever reason against me they shall hold,

I will not break down, I will be bold.

My days of angry, fear, regret and inner doubt,

Is gone and i will climb the mountains to shout.

You can yell and scream and curse as much as you're able,

I will stand firmly unshaken, you, however, will be unstable.

Others no longer have control over me or my mind,

Fix On

In the wee of the morning
allowed to just reflect

'tis yesterday's 'morrow
I don't know what to expect.

I can actually hear the lamp bulb
can truly feel my thoughts;
whichever limb I fix on.

Under yesterday's shadow
a weary attitude,

I literally played my harp, out
not a lot to conclude.

So I stretched out with my mind
reached past of what I know
beyond the limits that I fix on.

The 'morrow is nigh
I reached out, yesterday;


There things that only women do
Some men boast of what they can do
Do not laugh at what I have to say
How would you describe a normal day?
Let us divide the chores in the household
See what portion you may claim to hold
Who does the cleaning and sweeping?
Who does the cooking and washing?
Lest, on menial things, the master’s time is wasted
For such, the children’s usefulness is tested
Is it the woman who runs the house?
While the man claims to own the house
Is it the man who deceives the woman?

A Shiner Tonight

The crescent moon hangs bright
in the sky
which I admire

Getting in my car, sore
it's really cold 
nursing one eye, a tooth, a leg, an elbow

Lifting bad leg, inside
to follow in step, nearby
the other, little past eight, tonight 

Its not too late
slow in pace, no haste
holding back irritation

Letting it go
never show
or give another thought

Enjoy crescent moon's shine
a  shiner tonight, hanging high 
in the dark evening skies

Response To Hate

I find the moments of my life
invariably filled with strife
are caused by those who are hell-bent
on making others malcontent.

They lay their futile helpless rage
on those they think they can enrage,
and thus drain all of their own ire
by fueling others' angry fire.

Once I would have let them do this,
make me so intensely furious
that I would inevitably snap,
and make them eat their own damn crap,


through the hour
the minutes drip
like rain from
easing branchs

translucent images
stretching to free
in brilliant spheres
like stars in a ballet
radiant beauty
caught in the glare
of the charmed lamps
the satin shinning
the strata skirts
white as snowflakes
weaving poising

wavelength blown
winds infused
with haunted

Water Down

If I never took the opportunity - test
I'll say what's truly in my heart'
plus I've a mind to say it, now.

Ink shall be my vehicle
lined paper my only grid.
Hopefully, the meaning won't be lost
in the mouthing of the words.

These utensils are both primitive, and vague at best;
so lean ever closer so as to hear me better,
and try to read my words as I have carefully scattered them.

Forgive me my arrogance in assuming
what I have to say is important,
these are but my own personal feelings;

I Envy The Woman Whose Lips

i envy the woman whose lips
your ample mouth has gently kissed
whose very look enslaves your soul
i ponder yet all i have missed

i envy her still whose arms
press you to her breasts so tenderly
who shares your secret hopes and dreams
and keeps your fire burning steadily

i envy the woman whose bed
your long lean body slumbers in
forgive my heart*s dear love desires
that which others consider a sin


You scribbled in bits and pieces
As parchments and on the scrolls
Of a heart so full of love
In this kind of affection
Some say, love is blind
So you stomached everything
All in the name of love

The innocent begs the guilty
For forgiveness from what I know not
I see disappointments, unrealized hopes
Tucked away in dreams of nothingness
While you danced with exhilaration
To the savage slavery flute of the piper

Stop, look, listen

The day was bright and sunny
The temperature was high
With skylarks singing sweetly
As they hovered in the sky

The babbling brook was babbling
To the sighing of the trees
The butterflies were coasting
Way up high upon the breeze

I gazed at all the wonders
Mother nature had in store
And I marvelled at her beauty
As I stood outside my door

That life affirming moment
Sent a shiver down my spine
So I went to watch the tele
With another glass of wine


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.