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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Kind of Lingers

The feeling

kind of lingers
kinda lingers

oh yes that feeling


oh yes!

The eyes of God cast no shadows


And I have decompressed time into the face
of my Beloved.

I compress the sighs of my life
into breath, one after the other,
for the fruit falls not far from the tree
and its branches sing praise to the sky.

Smoke inside a bubble is still smoke, our shadows
rise above.


Seeking (adult content)

Tongue traveling down your spine
Searching for the source
Mouths moist with pleasure
seeking one another

Finger tips explore
Regions of privacy
Previously unknown 

Slipping in between
Salty fresh thighs
Making a connection

Two entities melding
Sensation untamed 
Lifting off into orbit
Explosive reaction


Congregational prayer session
Like the village market I used to go
This world filled with blares
Noises designed to deceive
Pleading to sell and to seduce
Babbling strange impenetrable tongues
Spreading fear of impending doom
With overwhelming wind of din
As earthquake, typhoon and tsunami
In the mist of this cacophony
Take a step and pull away
Listen to the indwelling spirit
The still small voice of the soul
And it shall be well with you

Cunning linguist

David seems to have the knack
Although he thinks he’s cursed
With the gift of tongues
He is exceedingly well versed

No language is a hurdle
To this fellows conversation
He can get his point across
To any man from any nation

But when it comes to ladies
Words are gibberish and random
He is tongue tied and he’s speechless
‘cause he just can’t understand ‘em


purity in the fires of ravage dreams
speaking talk
awake and lost

stars beneath and above
like heavens shine
and darkness dousing
rousing gardens of ghosts

you were there
in the grotto gate
the pale shadow
glimmer of a smile
the ripple of the
minutes settling
like a first

A Man's Job

Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow!
Steve's last words as he took the first
bite of the last apple,
leaving behind an empty shell;

wings unfurling,
his footprints on history's archives,
he went sailing,
and this is the way
a good man lives and dies.

Green Tara

I don't know what to say,
so I'll say nothing,
I don't know how to say it,
so I'll write a poem about nothing and
how not to say it,
I've followed every phase of the moon to be here now,
so here I am,
occupying earth,
her citizen.

I'm a one-woman marching band. Kindred
spirits have taken my hand, there is peace
in the jungle when the lion lies down with the lamb.
There is irony in the poem that finds its own way home.

A Mother's Love and War

Sometimes, mom have no charm
no harm intended, she offends
mind blinded by pride, mom makes no apologies

We love her any way, forgave words that stung
go tell, she means well, giving hell
spewing wrath like hot ash

Mom demanded respect, seen as suspect, arrested
unforgiven, ignored by one she loves
socially crazed, she retaliated moms grey headiness 

The heart wants that which was lost, and
one uncertain dove, looked for twig after a flood, and
mother's love is never above, discerning right and wrong


It is good to work and save
but not from hand to mouth
To work as a common man
is a really hard story to tell

Working at a level as low as ours
with earnings gone on food alone
We have nothing to show the world
when all is drained away from us

Pity the upright common man
whose hope is in all he can do
Be it hard or menial work
It is a careworn strive to survive

The struggle to make ends meet
makes us the faceless fraction
answering yes ma and no sir
who may never live above poverty line


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