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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Turning Around

A restless spirit has come upon me

How far still can i go

How far have i come

Reluctantly,turning around.

I beheld the path of my life

The trodden grass, molded

The bridges crossed now fallen

Yes, like they fell and scatter across the ground

Broken images, the forgotten.

I see old comrades empty abodes and weep

The stench of time lingers at the doorstep

Eerie greetings from moans beaneth my feet

And in the brush beyond dance the ghost of eternal sleep.

The crimson sun falling behind the mountain

Watering the Elephants

The twilight of the gods is upon us
we shoot the breeze on our knees
what shall we aim for that isn't taken?

The moon already has too many lovers,
and the sun, regardless of intensity,
brings out only a shadow.

This is a dream theater.
There's nowhere to hide in love that is forsaken.

Of Colour

At times I spell

Colour and they say,
Some say color

I ask them,
Have you understood,
I meant the rainbows constitution,
They queried from which generation
I replied,
Both X and Y,
Then they were silenced.

Such is the world,
Don’t take it lying down always,
Try standing variations too
and be colourful will you

My Departure

The words I’ve held in
Finally have outsmarted
Their prison guard

They jump
Onto the blank page
I can feel doubt
Kiss me goodbye

Maybe my truth
Will wake you
From the fairytale
You been living in

This story
Is about to lose
One of its characters

If the mirror could speak
It would tell me to man up
And put all my apologies
On the curb

Your ice filled veins
Melt from
My abrupt departure


tumble rain
this crawl

how you've met me in the distance
and here we tender ideals
and slip phrases across
the table


Her voice was like the Angel's melody
That could heal the heart's malady.

How jealous were the seraphims
While concealing their darkness through their whims.

A peach that promises eternity
Was sent in her chamber with utmost secrecy.

Delighted for such a gift of immortality,
She ate the Seed that rooted her endless melancholy.

Unable to sing, she watched the dawning of the day
And cursed all the Angels with words she couldn't say...

Who'd A Thunk!


aged in whiskey
and want

living by wit
and grunt
and a natural flair for meanness

raw knuckles
broken teeth
don't belie his rock hard words

in somee strange unaccountable way
he fascinates

who can argue that at times
brute truth
is delightlfully refreshing

The absolute truth

I'll beat you bloody
with my bare bruised fists
you will hear me
as I scream
truth! truth! truth!
no matter what the truth
it's mine
you swine
grovel in submission
I am the super man
gainsay me if you can
when I say nothing.

My truth is mine,
you swine.
Every opinion is right and no-one could possibly be wrong.

A nightmare dream...

A nightmare dream

I dreamt of a nightmare I once had
that frightens me no longer
thinking of this dream or nightmare
I feel now I am stronger.

This nightmare was a life I had
long ago when I was cowed
I dropped this life along with fear
to stand and say I’m proud.

Proud to be the man I have become,
even more so of my kin
Through them I’ve found my perfect niche
also that sometimes we can win


He Lives with more than one abuser
The older one is a boozer
The younger thinks he's a loser

He wants to seriously hurt them each
The older one uses her speech
The younger uses anything in reach

He now drinks to stay calm
The older one wont answer to mom
The younger one is a time bomb

He sits in his dark room by oneself
The older one dis relates herself
The younger one abuses himself


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.