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Far too many are the ones
with whom I'll walk no more
will they again see setting suns
having reached that other shore?

I wonder if they e're look back
to this side of the sea
or if they even have the knack
of giving thought to you or me

It's getting pretty crowded there
as I advance slowly with age
and loved ones here become more rare
on this side of the page

220 Grit

Sitting on a flowerpot.
Playing his guitar.
Saluda River Blues on the breeze.
Feeling like a garden gnome.

He keeps losing that E

Harmonics ring out.
Micro-elephant sings - albeit a little off key.
But what is pitch, anyway?
Just an aesthetical interpretation of the fallible.

Just one parting thought - lest I
sound too philosophical: Alpaca!

(see below for motivation and focus)

Magic carpet

So you rode the magic carpet
And you sailed above the skies
You were taken by the beauty
You were blinded by the lies
As you soared up through the heavens
You could sense the angel’s sighs
They had seen into your future
And they witnessed loves demise
Now you head towards disaster
With no one to hear your cries
As you cling on to your memories
And the cold wind burns your eyes

Who knew of the heroic pansy?

The ordinary day
grey sky incumbent
peels off its mask,
it is raining
on the sepia-covered earth,
one lonely pansy
standing against
all this end-of-December harshness
yellow-as-the-sun with life,
fearless in my window box
against all my hopelessness.

When you are with me

Without you, loneliness.
Without you, unplowed fields of sorrow.
With you, a discovery
that life is better,
so much better
than without you.


"I'm jittery"
a sigh
and sharp cold
sunlight falling
from the gentle
swell of cheek
like a golden

collapse in
a seizure
an ivory ragdoll
of death defying

the television
recites its pitch
throwing the phantom
glow and its rich
voice across us
huddled like crash
survivors on faded
carpeted landscape

"ffffffttttt!" you murmur
stirring limbs

On a Winternoon


In a most, colorful shade of brightness
on a winternoon;
with the shadows hardly bothering, at all;

the air's got a bite
as day ready's for night,

causing mercury levels to fall.


There's this chilliness inside the brightness
on a winternoon;
continuing to persist, to convince;

on a journey, Sol goes
causing shadows to grow,

one can watch Sol retreat, if one squints.



A silent white shadow
A ghost on the breeze
Adrift in the air
I sail through the trees
A phantom a spectre
I scare girls and boys
In the darkness of night
An uncanny noise
Their eyes wide and staring
They listen for me
Envisioning demons
Or ghostly banshee
I’m spooky I’m scary
And what’s more, to boot
I’m an owl I don’t care
I just don’t give a hoot

test 1

To my Sweet brother

Had fights on silly matters,
Taught to handle situations better,
Cared always be it any season,
Without any selfish reason,
Equals father, mother,
A special gift given by god known as brother.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.