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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Far too cold to hear the crickets sing
on this clear November night
with moon encircled by a ring
and stars above so dense and bright

The tic of leaves the only sound
as they fall gently from the trees
to come to rest on frosted ground
while puddle edges start to freeze

On distant road the headlights glow
flickering through the oaks and pines
where pale mushrooms sprout and grow
among the honeysuckle vines


The Niger Delta struggle started, not today
King Frederick William Koko led warriors
to General Goldie’s garrison at Akassa
He was sent on exile after his capture
Oh! I need not say, same story for others
Oba Ovarenwem, King Jaja of Opobo
Nana of Itshekeri, the nostalgic reminiscence
in far away land, my people, my kingdom

Transcending Space

Transient thoughts
Seek higher plains
Where reality cannot abide
And bids me follow

Perhaps it leads
To a realm spun from dreams
There is no pain
There are no needs
Asleep in the arms of time
And time does stand still

Transcending space to find
What had been forgotten
Or lost

Out of Stock

When we run out of gold
We will use silver,
When we run out of knowledge
We will use reason,
When we run out of guns
We will use our aggression,
When we run out of diamonds
We will use each other,
When we run out of politics
We will use instinct,
When we run out of actions
We will use words,
When we run out of reasons
We will use lies,
When we run out of ideas,
Then that’s too bad.


Like the deepest darkest chamber
Way below the castle wall
There’s no one to see the teardrops
There’s no one to hear you call
High above a light is shining
Is that laughter you can hear
People talking, people playing
While you’re petrified with fear
Though the cell is non existent
You have only you to blame
There’s no lock there are no bars
But, it holds you just the same


I awoke
as the full moon tapped on my window,
only a crack of the curtains was open
a thin streak of light lay
on my partners bedspread
burning a stripe of whiteness.

The churning black and grey clouds
below the planet
the silhouette of the dark trees
a huge very murky shoulder
ominously rose from the west
and obliterated the glow
pitch returned
the silence swelled with presence into night.


were we ever found
the distraught moments
our voices climbed
like boxing kangeroos
this walk about I wander
away from your oasis
quiet now out here on
the red oxide dreamtime
beneath the sombre gum
tree shadow
the gaze of the shy dingo
the thought of you tugs
my heart for a second
and then you are gone
lost like the ghosts we are



You think you are always fair
you think that you always care,
how could you be wrong ?

You're convinced, that you'r not the violent type
Always passive
don't believe the hype, you are wrong

Upstanding ,all the live long day,
the humanist one,

You're sometimes aggressive, selfish, 
Even moody.
You could even say stubborn.
face it you are human


Won’t someone flip
The light switch
In this dark room

Time to leave my manners
In the same closet
That a politician hides truths

My smile was the cripple
That threw his crutches
And fell on the concrete
'Till he could walk again

Pity was a prostitute
That left before

I'm swinging fists at misery
'Till she loses consciousness
I grew sick to my stomach
Of that bitch’s nagging

At Christmas Time

At Christmas time,
The windows close
And fog out
The chilly clime.

The stars in the sky,
Are burning and bright.
The children are warm
And cozy inside,
And the little match girl
Is left out to die.



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