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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Different Whispers of a Song

Sometimes it seems so difficult
making sense, of what is true,

by the time I've gained the knowledge
for that day, the day changes, "hue"!

Consequently, I have lately
become multi-optic with my eyes,

and a tad bit more discerning
so that the truth, I'll realize.

I listen with my ears....intent
and I know from what I see,

when things start appearing "suspect"
I'll ask questions to clear things up for me.

Summer Soldier

you ran away and
before you were
writing someone else's words
"plagiarism ain't a sin"
you said
i pretended i hadn't heard

summer soldier, would you fight for me?
summer soldier, would you go overseas?
summer soldier, those girls are awful pretty
would you die for me?
could you lie to me?

now i see
you were born to break things
countless pretty little hearts
crushed them up to
fine dust in the wind
never to return again


the dream is broken
all the lovers have
given their hope
to wings of errant angels


When a jinx is broken
Something new takes its place
From the awards so far taken
The worth puts smiles on a face
Retarded energy draws them back
Till a jinx puts a stop to it

When a jinx is broken
Shattered shackles of slavery
That held captives to be beaten
Now testify to their bravery
Ill luck suffered setback
A jinx put an end to it


A New Year 2012 dawns,
As all poets around the world soar
On every site
In the heart of mankind


Loved, implores
That all well wishers, friends
As well as foes,
Shake hands,
As the Dawn of a New Year,
The last of the Mayan Calendar,
Sees the day of light,
As the sun rises today
And shall ever hence.


Tucked safe within my small abode
warmed by the snap and hiss of fire
as sleet peppers the old tin roof
sparks escape the contained pyre

Within the flames my mind drifts off
upon a tide of winter sound
and settles on the sylvan lands
as, outside, ice covers the ground

Ice that tinkles like wind chimes
when it falls from frozen trees
shaken off of shivering limbs
by the first chill morning breeze

Fusion (Mirror/rorriM poem) Updated

(Houston... We Have Fusion...)

I am
a flowing river
streaming delicious
transforming always
this lovely moment of being
I am living in your tangible thought us
alive in your consuming emotion,
reborn in our desire.
Suspended around you
Your spell spins me into finest filament
weaving me through and around your essence.
Your spill, ingressive tidal current
awash in our tangle of limbs
kisses and tiny bits of stardust

Limericks 1 and 2

Limerick 1

This Limerick isn't much good,
For I'm writing, but not in the mood.
My Muse sneaked off home,
Leaving me on my own,
So these lines are not clever, but crude.

Limerick 2

Empty bottle of Malt hits the floor
Soon I slide down beside with a snore
When I wake up I say
"No more drinking today!"
To my Pink Elephant at the door

Our Honours Listed or OH..L

Our Honours Listed Or OH..L

The silence in the camps is most resounding,
but our quiet voices of power is astounding.

Walk with me he says I’ll make sense
of our stinking world, from the obese
riches of the western poor, to the thin
skin and bone bodies of an eastern life.

Sure I can show you the peoples of trading
African nations dying from hunger while their
leaders are like puffed out Penguins, attending
stately banquets of queens and presidents alike
soon forgetting their countries strife.

Jimmy Bear

Couldn’t get a ride home
it was either wait for four hours
or start hoofin’ it for two
under the Rundberg pass
a blurred man lighting a refry

large, curly, blonde
fro-mane, like a great
thick picture frame
showing eyes and nose only
his jacket and jeans
the worn, nodescript
color of fading- red? brown? blue?
It wasn’t too cold
I had nada to do
that night, just walked by, but
we looked at each other,
eyes wondered
each others questions.
and then-



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