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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Agitated Restlessness

An agitated restlessness fills me,
slowly, slowly, it gently kills me
I see the violence, I hear the cries
Why, oh, why
Do good things have to die?

They say at first there was darkness
then God filled the world with light
and that heaven is a real place
where there's no fear of night

They say we're made in God's image
They call us Humankind
They say we came to love the world
But we're mean, self-righteous, blind.


grids take
doth blood make
this scourge of fire
wreaking fire

trancending the madness
howls like night sirens
and then the eerie
no dogs bark
as God watchs

generation full of scars
where nothing is bulletproof
for far

easy to trip on the empty
cartridges in the dark
dare make a sound
and be the mark

The Discipline,

Keep me earthbound
You are my gravity
Without you
I fly into empty

Your love holds me
In this place
Like being tied
With soft gentle

Even when
I am far away
I can feel
the power of loves

The distance
Is but a word
where ever I look
I only see your lovely

The strength
Of your discipline
Has given me
Understanding of true


Let my gnarled hand enfold yours in mine
on this clear winter day so fine
and we'll traverse this wooded trail
just as we did when I was hale.

Even when the winds blow cold
as long as I have you to hold
my heart retains a well stoked fire
ready to kindle with desire.

We've been down so many trails together
too often in the worst of weather
on paths that were stoney and rough.
I'd think that you'd have had enough.

One Art

She lay beneath a barren tree
dead, exsiccated in an instant,
as the lake
that we once waded through
to reach her.

We attended the wake together
holding hands
and wanting to kiss
but not.

We each gave our sympathies
not with words, but strange dialogues
gazing upon her parched body,
close to each other.

After, you took me to the tree of life,
barren, but not dead:
still glistening
in such oppressive heat,
with life to come.


Sir, license and registration
Of course officer
let me get my documentation

You were going a hundred in an eighty
Well, officer let me explain
I found a new hobby as of lately

Now, I think you’re intoxicated
Officer, I must disagree
Someone had to be eliminated

Are you admitting to a crime
Well I suppose I am
It got too easy after the third time

Please step out of your car
Yes, let me open the trunk
Would you like her pieces from my jar?

barbers and bartenders


     and bartenders
              to you
                              at you

             letting you
                  let it
                     on out

                 I sob
                    and mewl
       for     a tug
                of an ear
       or     a shave
               of a fool

Justification(A Nonet)

Justification for ones life lived
apologies not forthcoming
what I am is where I've been
past lies dog my footsteps
aggression flows free
within these walls
must take heed
and find



Shreik! the leak in yonder pipe,
is permanently dripping,
run go fetch a bucket,
for its running rancid water,
of a funny sort of green.

with the cellar door ajar,
it will air the scene to dry,
and the straw upon the floor,
will soak excess.

a netting hung from nails,
to the pegs above the frame,
a spade can hold the middle,
for the draught.


Our juggernaut soon won the war
and did so in near record time
it was in peace the fight went on
and therein lies the crime

Far off in the shifting sands
along deserted dusty roads
barbarians still vented wrath
with improvised explosive loads

Did not most men welcome us
in ridding their country of Hussien
or did they just embrace the chance
of garnering some private gain


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.