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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Never Sure

Still …I am not sure
If I like to be mature.

I am not sure I’ve stopped loving to play
with teddy bears, dolls and the clay.

I still like to drink NIDO- needed for growing
and wear those lovely laced white stockings.

I can’t quit thinking I still need my mom’s love
though I've become a proud mom- myself.

And what should I do with my girlish dream?
That daily flow like pure wild stream?

About a courageous knight on a white horse,
that would once come to propose .


Like porcelain, time
can sliver and shatter,
Lightened spirits,
mind over matter.

Solid once,
in it's true state.
Through molten lava,
before hell's gate.

Slicing, shredding,
causing to bleed.
The wanton collection,
the needless need.

Worn and tattered,
from natures blight.
Tired and restless,
from sleepless night.

Striving for slumber,
weaving a dream.
Finding peace,
from a whispering stream.

Shakespeare's Caesar

In days of old we had our David
Who wrote in psalm his time at war
He found a way to voice his heart
And verse away the blood and gore.

Since that time our poets changed,
And chose to take a simpler guise
The bard told stories in the tavern
And flowered war in people’s eyes.

The soldier distanced from the verse,
His heart at war and mind asleep
Prose was left to rot away,
No rhyme could voice a pain this deep.

Call It What You Will (Page 2)

old monk
spouts ancient wisdom
a burst of laughter


sunny afternoons
tall and thin
lovely shadow


falling to pieces
stone to gravel
pet rock bites the dust


dandelion puffs
gracefully riding the wind
knowing not of weeds


august moon sparkles
sleepy mind in half-dream
butterflies sip tea


snowflakes in sunshine
swift comes the end
the shape of water



sure and soft the mists of Atlantic
weave bolts of light

in these rains that fall
beyond the lanterns cast
the radiation grows
and grows
the silken fingers
strong and sure

we grow sick and weak
our time demure

the cities dark and blackened
the fires from the bombers spoke

we sing songs around the
lights we keep
and watch for wolves
that hunger feast
and dreams
before the end time


On my way to work today
wild flowers white and butter yellow
adorned both sides of the highway
on long stems set by wind to sway
all shades watercolor mellow.

Spring grass just coming to its head
still lush and almost emerald green
giving sharp contrast to blossoms' bed
where bees and butterflies were seen
in this season of the in between.

STICK: updated


I saw a stick strong and bold
fall to this world
from a midnight sky.
it pierced the earth
with a sigh
and cast shadows twisted and worn
in the light of a pale moon.

I touched it to see
If this were the miracle
to set me free.

t became a livng thing
wrapped itself around
me like a string.

Now I cast shadows
twisted and worn
in the light of sun
and dark of moon

certainty in a dinghy

We all live in the midst of uncertainty
and all we can ever and always say is
that change is the heartbeat of each moment,
what will be another moment’s gift
none know it

the good moment turns into a bad volley
absurd at times
become incidents incredible
good sours fear of the unknown
on ones countenance does show
as if it was some uncertain hour,
as life flows like a river of no return…

good and bad both can upturn
into passages of time unknown…

A Good Man is Passing

Everyone look,
A good man is passing,
Please stand,
And believe me when I say,
A good man is passing,
He didn’t ask for much,
But we did,
So please watch as he passes,
And Listen to what he has to say,
It may be the last time he speaks his mind,
I see the killer at the end of the road,
We may not have much time,
To say our goodbyes,
I wish I knew him better,
A good man is passing.



Is there death after life,
will we be free from strife
or open some unknown door?
Will rest come to me,
can death set me free
to rest upon a new shore?

Is there death after life,
or some wicked device
designed to cause us more pain?
Is the cycle complete
with sleep our retreat,
will sorrow or happiness reign?

Is there death after life,
cessation of light,
will we walk upon streets of gold?
Must we lie in our grave
unless we are saved
and never the wonders behold?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.