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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


walking the boards

amongst a cast of lead-supporting roles
though minus script, performance underway
without rehearsal, souls, not knowing goals
from cradle, muddle through, until croquet

mistakes recorded, frozen in forever
creating rippled footstepped lights of hours
to decorate the scars of great endeavour
before the tidal-wave of time devours

while back-stage in the recess of re-runs
imagination’s post-mortems beg change
to find the answers all returns as questions
the thing about this theatre that is strange

BITTER AND SWEET (rhyme patterns final version)

The birds sing in courtship's display
on this, the first warm day of spring
unfortunately the wasps are out
along with fire ant mounds of clay

Flowers' perfumes drift upon the breeze
along with my true love's faint scent
whose "look" tells me to cut the grass
and then trees' pollen makes her sneeze

And walking along a clear lake's shore
where the fair ones swim and ski
I glance down at my knobby knees
then look at the girls once more

Bunch of Needy People !

Misfortune searches for another like same
because misery loves company;

a challenge enjoys another challenger
but, needs a loser for a victory.

The wealthy really don't care for the rich
but, there are networks to be made;

the blue-blooded wealthy would rather ignore the rich
with the way they're always stealing the shade.

Complainers want something to complain about
someone else, must fit that bill;

the greedy are always hungry
but, they never get their fill.

Let go (Rhyme Patterns #1) Last edition

A true fact of life is:
It's not always black or white,
but a mix of this and that-right,
which is, I trust, a bliss.

So when the woes grow, swell
find a way to your young heart.
Let no pain incise that part,
let no troubles there dwell.

Clean the stains of hatred,
in love's sponge let all that go.
Wipe out the tears of sorrow,
time needs not be wasted.

Now, hurry up! come on dear
put your helpful hand in mine.
Ways with gold shall ever shine
when good intentions clear.

of stupidity!

he was stupid
his Stupidity ...
a word
we ought not to use in poetry

well the end was well for him
he having become a celebrity
only coz of his stupidity.

Some day perhaps
it may well be me,
as master here says
I too know
no fuckin' poetry
only he does perhaps
so who will miss me?
he or none
that we'll have to see
Albeit ,
I am sure to be remembered by many
including him
of course you too,
perhaps only you two

w a v e l e n g t h . . . a n g e l

sunlight filling up the store
falling in through window/door
falling on the angel there
adiorned in black
whom I adore

Pale skin and tiny hands
the flaxen hair
and tender smile

her eyes are the colour
of heaven
the soft radiant blue
a most amazing hue


Birds sing in the morning
More than some other times
To welcome a new day
They sing the glorious dawn
Joyful morning music
Some sat atop foliage
With pointed eyes gazing
At distant horizon
As if to see through time
What nebulous future may bring
Yet unperturbed by it

Littleton Revision 2
Ron BlueDemon77

Littleton, killed his son
why oh why, he put out his eye
the same day, all the skies went gray
the fever came, never was the same

sun's warmth gone, as his madness spawn
crops to silt, Redbeard lived his guilt
days of dark, nights of terror stark
tiny mound, jutting out of ground

Littleton, Redbeard thick with lice
maggots, rats, sharing habitats
every night, eyes shined with red light
at the door, child's voices implore


Oblivious to reality
Below average intellect
Aloof to folks like you and me
More radical than most expect
Angry to all who disagree

I'm Drinking Leave me alone

I told him to shut his gob
But he kept on, the stupid sod
I just wanted a quiet place to be
Why wouldn’t he stop pestering me?

No, I knew then, that he would have to go
The little shit ground into my soul
This world of his, he would leave behind
He then started on the mate of mine.

Now that was it, he’d left it too late.
He didn’t see me move my arm.
He was stupid, thought I couldn’t do harm
I felt the blade as I follow its arc.


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