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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The spade bites deep into the sod.....
He never minded my slow gait
which at high speed is still a plod.
He'd run ahead then sit and wait.

The hole grows deep, the dirt piles higher.....
He'd seldom fail to lift my mood
when I was filled with some dark ire.
I was not allowed to sit and brood.

He'll like it on this brushy hill.....
He was a friend to everyone
but still had his own strong will
and yellowjackets made him run.


Mapwork by RW
inside my eyelids
white flash
traces of magnesium stars flutter
fireflies in May between retina and lens
is this the stroke, where it begins
extremities are feeling numb
pay to live now pay to crumble
Striking laughter winds in rage
ripping ground does it assauge?
or is it just another reminder
of the ants under the spyglass
our human race

To Sing With My Father Again

I heard a song yesterday
so familiar to me
took me home to a place way back when,
the melody was strong
and I just sang along;
it took me back to my father again.

I remembered we'd sing
as we rode in the car
sometimes we would sing it again;
we made the choices
as we blended our voices;
I'd like to sing with my father again.

SUMMER: 1947

Summer 1947
[Grandma Longo :1874-1947]

She walked in slow motion
with the soft summer breeze
black cotton dress swaying
past her knees
strands of white and yellow hair
floating gently in the air
the ponies had come that day
grandma was blind
I took her by the hand
and she showed me the way.

SS Judas (eddy styx)

SS Judas

paper boat
a massive
matchstick man
at the helm
papyrus sails
by sneeze
your cruiser
catching up
my progress
no warning shot
across my bow
you waved a white flag
of slick betrayal
then rammed me broadside

A Proud Arab

Poor is my country-maybe
Lacks technology! Could be
But I've identity

I'm not a boor "barbarian"
"nor a mad man in the sand"
but rather a wounded human.

I've always fought for freedom
though seldom I have it
I shall yet fight for it .

I'll fight against tyranny
and the meanest poverty
and I'll eventually win

One day the world shall know
the greenest Spring ever grown
in the Arab world.

Inspired by Stan's Spring?

J U M P S T A R T E R ...

we are all damp
locked in the rains
of our own doubts

christening of the breaking
as each reaches the sweet spot

energy fire is smouldering in
the dark ovid pupil search
the white halo backlit

each word like a flash
drinking formula
of faith

so daring slumped against
the brickwork
the muse of windows
curtians and flower pots

television angels draped
in dreamy nod


We stood behind you
in overthrowing dictators
on your way to freedom
and self government
your revolutions

Then injected prescious treasure
to help keep you afloat
money we could ill afford
then you went to polls to vote

We hoped that your new govrnment
though run by radicals
would at least act responsibly
hope empty as the desert wind

I guess some day perhaps we'll learn
the lessons of Iran
barbarians when given liberty
turn into mad men in the sand


A light blanket of your arms
my love,
you inside my far away;

the sun shadows roaming
across the sky
into September,
the wild geese
and I.


we are at the bridge
in a balancing act

between Dionysus
and Apollo -
primitive apes and
civilized human beings

attempting to harmonize
instinctual wholeness
primal joy

scientific rationale

a very unstable condition


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.