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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I stand and stare, just stand and stare
now that I've finally gotten here.
I almost see what's over there
yet I hesitate to squint and peer.

So many years to reach this place
and here I am at last.
I feel as if I've run a race
and that I came in last.

The bridge seems it is mocking me
daring me to walk its length.
Perhaps I would if I could see
Yet blindness gives me little strength..


Dark pigment demonstrates artists skill, illuminating scene,
Lead white, picks out trauma and the cruelty is between.
In subtle darkness Caravaggio adds layers of lust and loathing,
He uses skill his expressions of grief, garbed in religious clothing.

Two inmates watch from prison window, horror in their faces,
Half-hidden, forever in the dark, secured within their places.
I stood before the image, to stare at the bloody signature,
His message held me fast as the gore of tightened ligature.

Sandbox (a memory)

long ago, on a white sand
beach of Pensacola,
the warm gulf breezes
caressed our hair while
the morning sun warmed our backs.
playing in the sandbox
with my good pal Tommy.
Using bucket and shovel
sculpting winding roads
for our cars and trucks
to reach the top of the hill.
Which Tommy made using
scoops and scoops of sand,
and a whole lot of salty water.
laughing and inventing,
we forget about reality.
Bad-Boy Bully-Billy barrels over
in his boots, stomping

Kiss of Life

When weak and weary sets the sun
on my sad, sleeping soul,
the blood-red moon does wake and rise
to comfort and console.
Where willows weep, and dungeons deep
depress my dreaming mind,
the nightingale, poor prince of pain,
sweet song, for me, does find.
When I am groaning, girt with grief,
a star from ancient times
breaks through, with beam, to light my cell,
to prove to me life rhymes!
Where lonely, lies this shipwrecked tar
upon a sea-swept shore,


smaller still,
sharpening stanzas,
slicing sloppiness.

Dear AI

You are one screwy dude
Tried but not trued
Some hold you near and dear
Some think you all about fear

To some you are helpful
as well as thoughtful,
but others will see soon,
you leave no thought room

You are not for the fearful
For them you are their earful
Information watershed
Brains emptied - they had bled!

Stalking Wolf

In this the baying of the wolf
By the light of the shiny moon
It's howl sends shivers
Rippling through my bones.

A sudden snap of a single twig
As the wolf creeps ever near
Its nostrils sniff silently
Sensing fear hung air.

A rush of air as the wolf leaps
My intake or the gust of wolf?
It missed a beat
As it sailed past

A grateful sigh escapes, for this act of luck
And a racing beat comes from within
Thumping so loudky
As I fear for its return.


Once a kingdom, now a shack
With little to no light at all
Once guarded, now abandoned
With freedom abused
Once full of life, now dead
With empty people
Once mind opening, now lawless
With consequences to pay

But really, what changed?
Governing changed!
That’s what’s up!
Unfortunate Governing
With much clowning and pretense
So much is unaddressed and ignored
Causing shattering
Of a mirror into million pieces

Challenge-Wish upon a star

Looking out of the dark night above the sky
I am witnessing the sparkling bright star
that has caught my eyes
The fondest memory has filled me
to the search for the curiosity of this universe
Who is to create this shooting star
Mother Nature or me?
With the sign, I often read
Can that be me
With the dream to come true
Or it is far beyond my wildest expectation
Determination has been instilled in me
To continue to carry on
Yes, someday
I can reach that star
and become like that brilliant one


frayed around the edges
Thread bare
patches of mis matches.
Held together
by a thread.
That thread was
That golden thread
helped her hang on.
And stitch by stitch
it began to grow
Within her
around her
it continued to sew
Till no one could ever hurt her
when she wore her golden armour.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.