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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Inadequate People did not to serve us, they served themselves.
Those without experience pushed those with, far away.
A tide of ineffectual men, bullied and excluded women,
and worked hard, to convince people their interests were met through party ideology.
Their excuses were repeated by main stream media,
and those who should have held them to account, ignored the facts.
They continue to betray us.
“We cannot believe the chaos we’re hearing,” they say.
Didn’t we tell them, on repeat?
The lies and fraud became unbearable as did,


Poetry is more than rhyme
Or words dictated by form
It is what is inside us
It is our thoughts and feelings
About what we observe
Put into images uniquely
Our own

Neopoet gives us an unbiased forum
Through which we are able to explore
Poetry, in its varied forms, gathered from
Men and women around the world
Pulling from within their feelings
Thoughts of the past, events of the day
And hopes for the future

Love's yesterday. (26)

I can feel your heartbeat,
even when we are apart.
Our veins are entwined with each other.
I can not, could not,
live without you.
And you kill me everyday for it.
I wake up, and plead for forgiveness
there has to be a way,
to deserve your love.
You are an angel, something from above.
I was flawed
before I was human.
I miss you, I miss you,
so horribly,
it makes my skin feel raw,
it feels lonely.
You kiss me, You kiss me,
And it's okay now.
All I know is

A deep, deep sleep!

Through endless days you pass the time,
Restrained as though you'd committed a crime.
Your path has led through weeds and thorns.
And in the distance, you see only storms.
The doctors arrive to administer relief,
but anxiety and grief are your receipt.
Telling you firmly that all will be well.
If you’ll step up and face this hell!
An experiment is what you’ve become.
Sleep safe passage to kingdom come!
Then lie back in your overstuffed chair.
And dream away this life's despair.



A spinning cogwheel has but little choice
Except to turn, few hearing its tiny voice
Of a complex mechanism, just a tiny part
Yet continuing functionality is at its heart
And in pristine condition, free from grime
A lifetime of duty, to keep accurate time

The round face is what the world will see
Behind the scenes, all driven by a battery
A finite life once the marriage has begun
But also cousins who depend on the sun
There are still ancestors of an older kind
With spring mechanisms one has to wind

Turning 30

Coffee steam loses struggle
With frigid wind,
Thoughts run headless in circuits, 14 years.
Mushrooms grow fungal pagodas
at the back of my head.
Glass wings for sturdy roots
sunk in loose sand.
Rift valleys to water filled canals,
Cracks in skin, cells drifts apart.

End Game

We’ve seen this picture too many times before
same old game we know the score
pathological hatred fed by fear and propaganda
in service of a remorseless barbaric agenda

Deranged justification for a so-called holy war
depravity rage brutality and gore
cruelty and sickness for all to see
hellbent on killing all Jews from the river to the sea

Feeling Happy

Happiness brings a sense of joy
A perfect day when nothing can annoy
Pleasure in the little things
Peaceful moments that happiness brings
Yielding a contented heart


i watch


on power lines

first, just a few
and soon hundreds

side by side

quiet, waiting

until, as if
a perfect note

trembles beneath
their wings

they lift in flight

like so many ribbons
in a ballet

swirling to the left
soaring upwards

returning to center

resting when it's time to rest
then rising, like a symphony

inspired to fly...

The Price of Justice

Good morning, everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that in celebration of Thanksgiving coming up later this month, I've put a limited-time discount on The Price of Justice. Order your eBook today for only $1.99! Tomorrow at noon the price will rise to $2.99, so don't hesitate. Within a week it will be at full price again!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, and happy early Thanksgiving!!!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.