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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



There came a sleepless night
that offered little consoling light
from a sad crescent moon.

Amid the heavy silence
after the gouging violence
of the red afternoon,

they dug one vast, shallow grave
for those they tried, but could not save
and laid them there to rest.

Then gathered what remained,
though it was tattered and cruelly stained,
battered and oppressed.

Into this sleepless, cold night,
they began their uncharted long flight
away from all they had known.

Her Way of Flying

If she could, she’d help butterflies
arrange the powder on their wings
just so, and they would thank her

with brightly colored performances in the air.
She envies the exhilaration the young ones must feel
the first time they alight after their first flight.

She wears a colorful dress trimmed with lace.
The butterflies accept this effort to be like them.
And they’re okay with her inability to fly with them
because they know she does this in her own way.

Poetic Creations



It takes so long to let her live,

From way down deep, of herself, she shall give.

Innocent, unaware, helped with most care.

My love or my hell, to be done so well.


For weeks I sat and thought of her.

The words I write for her do say,

My love through night and through the day,

You surely live a lonely way.



The winters prison has opened
its cage

to let out of the gate a new
Golden day. The world changed
Colours. Burgundy cherrys, sun
panther blush pinks, and deep
Psychedelic, rows of specks
soldiers and a

Fusion explosion of colours.
Emerald summer
Carpets of buzz cut grass and

early-morning messages.
The musician sirens
Of musical hedgerows and
evergreen trees

You've got the blues

When you're down and out
with nothing left to lose.
You’ve got no home,
no vocation to pursue.
I’m sure that you have
got the blues.
When you have no friends,
no one is going to take
your side.
The police show up
and want to take you for a ride.
You can’t run and there's
no place to hide
and you just want
to break down and cry.
You still have something
deep down inside.
Just ask Dr. Frankl ,
you can still choose.
how you see the world.


Underneath an old floor lamp
I sit as wee hours approach.
Outside the world is cold and damp.
Ghosts of bygone days encroach
while old songs play on the radio.

Ghosts of friends from the dim past,
some drifted to the other side,
I hope they all found peace at last
where their shadows all abide
and only soft winds ever blow.

I close my eyes yet I still see
things and people now gone;
flickering there endlessly
in the past's eternal yawn.
With passing years they grow and grow.

My Pal Jet.

I named him Jet.
My favourite pet,
The only pet I ever owned,
Dad found him wandering in a field,
Picked him up and brought him home;
We were friend and playmates for
Oh! I don't know how long
Till the day he decided to leave;
One morning he was there, by evening, gone,
No clue as to where he may be;
I hunted for days, in hedgerows and fields
but I never saw him again;
I hope he was happy, maybe found a mate
To sire more of the tortoise strain.

Pet of Preference

My favorite pet is the one we do not own
But watch and maintain in their natural habitat
They deserve the right to be and exist without interference
For safety and the nature of our coexistence
They will need to be somewhat contained and population controlled
If it means that we are pushed a little closer
for that reason
So be it
We didn’t complain about living in townhomes
Or in Pods or racks
We made due
Given that all the space we truly
need is atop a yoga mat


Structure should guide us
Fairness is granted to all
Peace in rules we trust.

Restored Republic

Mr. president
It is two thousand twenty-four,
It has become evident,
America needs unity once more.

The republic is at stake,
Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin
Are in agreement,
We go to war at daybreak.

Democracy has been stained.
By the media meant to inform
That would rather leave us
divided and out brained.

Now it is families.
With different views
At war with each other
Based on the channel
One is so called truth
The other is fake news


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.