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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Don't Bulbs Burn Out?

Bad luck decorates her branches
flashing on and off like
strings of lights on a christmas tree.

Misfortune glows
as if fueled by noonday sun
under cloudless sky.

Each day she longs
for someone who might notice,
turn some switch,
dim the lights, pull a plug, and
diminish her pain. No hero
lurks nearby on prancing steed.

Don’t filaments fray,
bulbs burn out
and fail to ignite
one more time?

Lexicon (Complete Revision of Colloquial)

Contortion of a warped treain of thought,
vocabulary articulated with diction,
colloquial argot.

Lexicon of the abstract and abstruse,
conception of an illusion.
Manipulating consciousness.

Vociferous articulating of intense emotion,
or inaudible machinations of a warped mind.
Halcyon conversation.

Language is my passion

Never Mind

I've barked at the moon before
when it likely weren't my time,

I've supped with the likes of fools
and felt completely sublime;

I wish that I could write, right now
something that'd inspire, awe;

or cause my reader to be left
nearly standing on his own jaw.

Today, my focus is "dribble"
it's such a daunting task,

I think I covered this before
someone really aught to ask.

In the in-between-time
at the risk of sounding, dense;

Silver Lining

I love the man who
angrily cut out my tongue.
Blessed is this silence.

page of wind

sitting watching
valley veil
the warmth
on me
the cool
the shade

I keep these moments
like pages
outlined with my thoughts

I stare in depth
and distance

all the pretty pain
folded like a worn knife
I take in rain
patterned dark

how In love
at arms length
you mean

my shadow fills

Questions of Survival (parts I and II)

Question Of Survival
part I

inconsequential thoughts
roamed randomly through her head.
too weary was she to concentrate
on the uncaring things he'd said.

selfish and insensitive
when he was high on coke.
he was like a stranger,
so easy to provoke.

When he laid his hands on her,
it was a tumble of the dice,
whether he'd bruise her skin
or touch of heaven's slice.

Dreams On the wayside

looking down at empty hands
void and unfulfilled
hopes and dreams lost
to abandoned thoughts

eyes turn up toward the sky
a scream of anguish is hurdled
as angels look down
and wonder why

a sound of thunder is heard
not the answer expected
for the question
which was applied

a sudden stab
as if a heart attack
while pain strums on strings
of a battered heart

another loss, there is no wayside
where you can fall
a yoke is carried like a torch
and time is vast like space

So, sagas will often continue
curious momentum has been known to do,
Fred's wrists were so swollen,
he was tied up and stolen,
by the "anti-lawn jockey" crew.

Well, Freds' concern ever broadened
courtesy his serendipitious trend,
with no possible way,
tied up Fred could get away,
he was in dire need of a friend.


I gazed, into her listless eyes
and saw the vacant haunting stare
the lilting echo of her cries
reverberates, though she's not there

I strained, to catch a fading glance
amidst the fogginess and haze
in hopes that faith maintained a chance
if only it could catch, her gaze

love letter #16

some friday mornings
i feel like a poet
watching city rats emerge
from their blood shot eyes,
the chrome fume nights

and the decent people
going to work are
pretending not to see

dressed in glass stockings
with whore blurred lips

i too want to disappear
into my cave, slink like
lounge lizards,
to sleep off the
that wash over
other people
like holy water

to call and ask
if we can watch the eagle
fly across saturday's
windy air-dried sheets


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