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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Stroke Of A Pen

Writing feverishly
As if time is chasing me
Maybe these words
Can be my harmony

They say poetry
Is effective therapy
It’s the only thing
That gets one through

I yearn to read
The ink that drips
When a heart bleeds

In an empty pad
Written confessions
As pride shrivels
Leaving untainted

In every stanza
Emotions breathe
Becoming content
With drowning fears

Three Drops in the River

Sitting on the bank
As life goes flowing by
In the direction of the sea
Each drop striking
Someone's passing dream

The rivers babblings
are the stories
Of lost dreams
no longer seen

On a fallen tree I sit
As three drops
Roll down my cheek
Releasing pain
that cannot be contained

rolling down my chin
Dropping upon the bank
Without the slightest splash
Slowly finding their way
Across the soil into the flow

once, we were lovers

when time
was limitless
and boundaries
held no place

beyond imagination
we languished
in the unknown

til refuge was sought
in now familiar things
a fleeting look
a gesture
our unspoken words

but all too soon
minutes fell between
the silence of us

to compete
against the hours
until ties
were severed

our adversary

One last glimpse

Flowers for the dead, red as the blood you spilled,
Roses so beautiful in their essence
Yes in this symbolic gesture, they ring end
Spelling the conclusion of life’s very meaning

Red mixed with white, making a soul cry out
Drops of tears run down my cheeks
Tears of mourning, tears of loss
The dark creeps in, shattering pain rules my heart

I look down at your face, so peaceful, so serene
Contradicting what surrounds you
Tears begin flowing, unchecked, unstopped
Would you open your eyes one last time?


It's time I turned my feet for home
whence I've been gone too long;
the journey started with first light
and now the day is nearly gone.

The many trails I've walked upon
have all had twists and turns.
They've carried me through mid day's heat
and past cool evening's somber ferns.

At dawn's first light, my pace was firm
my step was sure and strong
but as the sun dips beyond yon berm
tired legs don't stride so light or long.


the night is speaking
its shriek whistle
pleading to the blue hills
wrapped in its gauze
its quilt houses in their
peeling paint
and sunscorned brickworks

feeding the industry
the machinery
and humanity crawling
in its worm speed tracks

the river swerving
where we baptized bathed
and watched fall blazeworks
in cold clear dusks
dipped toes in summer
sweet days
and fell in love
on bridges
riveted with a pace
that melded time

Elemental Chemistry

Forces of nature, that’s what we are, you and I
You are the water, gentle yet tumultuous
I am the fire, hot yet can lose all control
Together we are unstoppable

You are the breeze of reassurance whispering in my ear
I am the touch of life that stirs in your soul
Together we face the forces that engulf us
The forces that come together and collide

A collision that is felt at each encounter
A force that is so soul wrenching yet much needed
That it leaves us both breathless
You are my shelter, I am your salvation

Darkness of mind and soul

Darkness beckons to her, its long reaching fingers
touching her to her very soul
its the darkness to which she may not surrender
no matter how much sweeter the prospect

darkness invites her to come, and rest
darkness promises her to eternal, blissful rest
it assures her that her troubles will be left behind
no more pain to be felt, no more ties to bind

A Golden Ray

How can I encapsulate
all which I feel
like fitting the universe
through the opening
of earth's gate

words are insufficient
to paint the clarity I see
as if asking,
why do birds fly

on my coldest day
when warmth
seems so far away
you come as the Sun
on a single golden

abstract beauty

with slits for eyes he peers inside
those dusty corners in his mind
until he sees with certainty
the depths of his humanity
now laying there disheveled on the floor

remembrances of hoops and hurdles
leave sour tastes, like milk that curdles
and though he doesn't know it yet
this is a day he'll not forget
for it will be unlike those gone before


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.