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haiku ~ flow

shaded life listens
beyond dappled waters edge
fluidity speaks

My poor little Pump

Nose to the grindstone
Giving always more
without one groan

Even when I'm asleep
You labor on
Just to benefit me
Never hearing one beep

into you I pour
all of life's vices
struggling with it
deep in your core

How much more
will you take
of this brazen abuse
from this life's whore

I must answer the call
from my poor little one
Before it just stops
Causing my fall


Closing my eyes and concentrating in
Feeling the wonderful chills on my skin.
The tingling sensation that covers my outside
is like fire burning on the in.

Much like the brush of your skin,
leaving all my nerves on end.
Just the gentle touch lingers for hours
never wanting to end.

Haiku : Toothpaste, Senryu: Hiccups

“Haiku : Toothpaste

Squeezed in the middle
Getting force out of tubing
Awaits your toothbrush

“Senryu: Hiccup

Hiccup irritates
Ribcage hurting critically
Many times a day

Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life

Trees give shade to passers by
With luscious fruits unmistaken,
Coconut water shreds man’s thirst
Cherries human lust
You shear my arms
To make your homes,
Your furniture on which
You lay and rest,
Ships can’t do without me.

I’m the passage to your eternity,
The cage in which you lay,
While living
Then when dead

I flower in spring and
Am an autumn to grieve.

High Society

A nation swallowed by drugs
not the street pushing coke
heroin smoke abused routes you’re used to.
Pharmaceutical company inventing
Disorders the masses can relate to

as the fat cats count their
stacks of green backs and
reap the benefits Of genocidal acts

I would ask how they sleep at night
but I know it is atop A money filled
mattress letting their Heads lay softly
on their oxycotton pillows


Beyond the mansion

a gentle wind
across that rolling field
where no bird sings
no dog barks
only sighs
among the clean white markers
of gallant men


telling of lost dreams
.....lost potential
........lost love

a silent muse

I searched my pockets
for the words lost
somewhere between lint
and forgotten hopes

I searched the shores
watched the waves crash
loudly against the grains
as they pulled each vowel
into the open sea

I searched a sky
no longer filled with stars
just a moon imprinted
with a wordless face


Stars faltered,
pausing in swift westward march
across the cloud-stained moonless sky
when I halted, eager on the edge of forest
between the fitful graze of starlight
and shadows' brooding touch.

I listened, straining for another drift of music
through still and silent trees,
and found that trace of utter passion
still skirling hushed yet unrelenting,
urgent in both thought and flesh,

Final Appeal / DENIED

I stand before you
done, finished, nada
a ghost
with only pleas
for mercy and the key to this
pearly gated community

I openly admit to orneriness
and being an ingrate of magnificent proportion
and as was my way
perpetrated pitifully paltry acts of spite
in cowardly fashion
I have been bold in nothing
even as I spat vile dissertations,
disaffections, and perturbations
at your incessent interference
in my existance
where I was to be my own god,
I did so in silence


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.