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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


We All Are! are we?

We All Are! are we?

When my mind flows
The waterfalls feel shy,
The Niagara Falls would still
As my words
Their noises kill…
But then I'm no Niagra
With water falling by the tons!
A lonely soul
Who is simply toying
Lap top buttons…

We all are
Say Poets here,
But are we!


This is a new form I came up with on old site. It's called Parallel Poetry. In this form the same story is told from 2 different viewpoints simultaneously. The poems are posted side by side and should be read 1st line left poem, 1st line right poem ;2nd line left poem,2nd line right poem and so on until completion. This form can be written to alternate reading line to line or stanza to stanza and can be in free verse or classic............scribbler (please ignore lines of periods as this is only way I could get this form to post)

The Sentence/The Gods Made Love

Born of the gulf
We loved with the force of creation
Lightening struck as our eyes met
Thunder roared at the brush of our hands
Winds of gale force blew as our lips touched

Our passion was the creation of hurricanes
The earth shook with our bodies embrace
Tidal waves formed as our love making began
Tsunami’s swept ashore with our climax
The lava flowing from the earths core was our spent passion

Return of Winter

Return of Winter

It had warmed up
Then suddenly temperatures fell
Reheating had to be started
Weather men
Can’t really tell
Blame the Global Warming
Wild guess,
like hell!


water jewel glitter go
down down the dark hunger
of the drain
in dream pipe wander
luxury we squander
from tail finned mind
Sputnik and Laika
rust and bones
and water
water gushing

douse magic
douse waste
and wake
wake from
water dreams
of swimming


Much to my surprise this morning
was visited by a light frost
without a hint of any warning
I hope tomato plants aren't lost

Guess we'll know by afternoon
if luck has chanced to come our way
or if I'll have to replant soon
on a somewhat warmer day

A liar - that's me.

I have come out
of the feeling I had
I have let go of the passion
with which I was clad.

I don't think of you
every morning as I wake up
Nor do I tie my hair
the way you liked.

I don't cook
your favorite dishes anymore
And I have abandoned
'that black dress' for sure.

I don't anymore
hum your favorite songs
And our conversations
from my memory, are gone.

I have no idea
how funnily you smiled
And I am unaware
that your jokes made me wild.


Margaret Ann Waddicor 6th May 2011.

Heaven bloomed
the loveliest blue
Mallorca rocks of ochre
while cumulus
striped skies in hues so similar
filled the view.

Steep cliff of stone
you drop
as if to hell
a well so deep
we see
we don't
as mists rise up volcanic damp
theatrical and strange.


My love,
last night I dreamt
that I was
and You
each tiny thing
with vibrance
and such clarity
that when I woke
I wished
I could not see.


Supine, silent eyes jammed shut against
spew ridden daylight.
Disgorge and discharge, create a Technicolor yawn.

Sleep enshrouds weakened frame,
dull ache in the pit of stomach remains,
drowsiness a buttress.

Putrid nausea ebbs and flows
spasms of acrid pain,
wrap my brain in torment.

Imbibe Adam’s ale and consume the loathsome antidote
the process begins again,
spinning on the never ending wheel of anguish.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.