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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I Like Grapes, Snow Tires Are Noisey

jostling in the sheets
like a circling dog
conjuring sleep

flipping pillows
hunting for cool
buttressing knees
elbows, and toes
still, the sweet spot eludes

its going to be another long night

surfing random images
no redeeming theme
scattered flickerings
shapeless as the dark
what could it all mean

this streaming nonsense, my life

a very long night


it is morning
the night not yet

in the ocean
whale song
and the river

there is madness
and survival
death and Afghanistan

I meditate on these things,
life turns over another

You are here with me

the peonies burst with flame.


we are an archaeological dig
slowly filled in with used-up things
teeth too dull to bite flesh
orgasms that fail to manifest
from your too high or too low
state of mind

our wrestle with it-
life, love
is the cat smashed
on the highway, broken pencils
slivers of soap, hair, gristle
old tv shows we watched with
eyes like blind blackened
light bulbs

A Star's Name

I look at the sky
starless in its ebony light
searching for the one
known by the name
written in my soul.

I see you
out there all alone
and I call your name
the sound traveling
through time and space
reaching its intended

Then like a breeze
Sailing upon
a moonlit ocean
paint me a picture
with your brush
of words


Dust started to settle
On leaves and rooftops
Long absence of rain
Prepared the platform
Feet and vehicle tyres
Trampled dusty roads
Leading to highways

The year at its end
Like grey hairs
Huts stood out
As golden domes
Depicting the aged
Preceded by dryness
Waiting to be fêted

Drums beat
Dancers out
Tone crammed with songs
Some noises prominent
Pistons pounding mortars
Competing for choice meals
Festivity filled the air


Since we're already nearby
lets go and check
that petri dish

The one we cleared and then reseeded
last time we came around
perhaps these results will be better
than the last ones that we found

It's only been a month to us
since last visit to this arm
though speaking in relative terms
about 65 million years

So lets check under that yellow light
at the third dish out
the pretty blue one with white swirls
and see what's come about

Then clean it out and start all over

You so compliment me

You so compliment me
As if I were a star,
A celebrity,
A sun,
A moon
From this unearthly earth
You would lift me soon,
Into the weeping valleys
Of shadowed eternity,
To where we all return,
Ere human maternity,
To strive in all malefactions custody
To seek final solace
After all the mercilessness of humanity,

So must I too return?
From here to the far folds of eternity…

But sad tis,
We all have to parade
The sojourn alone.

another poet is born

I dreamed of
and you
secrets of the night
of stars stretched over
us like blankets
of ebon light

jealous of lovers
and lovers of poets
we ruled heaven
like gods awakening
into skin,

eyes of rain

i tasted your salt
i tasted your blood,
i fastened myself to your roots
like a ball of earth,

triumphant with the spirit of the lily
and the rose

to rivers of stones
I give birth.

Blurred Absurd

looking up from her work
at me
to see


she can see
through me
from my eyes
how I scan
this scene surreal

as I stare back
from hers

at a self portrait

It happened once, during the darkest night
where even I could barely see,
staying that way until morning's light
when the shadows fade, setting us free.

And,the shadow players were also running free
on this particularly dark night,
taking advantage of us, as we could not see,
that these shadows were eating up all the light!

When daybreak returned with our sun's bright light
what my own eyes did finally see,
was that these darker shadows born from the night
were out and about, and a running free!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.