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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


only the sky is permanent

Life is a bipolar illness of the mind, I think.
The pendulum swings, emotions
to-ing and fro-ing on my heart dangling
from free-floating clouds,
stormy weather riding the heart-line,
the life-line shifts
from every direction,
but my director takes no hostages, pins no
awards for lifetime achievements or indiscretionary
wardrobe malfunctions
(it's all about the wardrobe and the make-up, eh?)

My love

Sadness is what you cause me
Hurt my emotions,
Tear my confidence away,
Weaken my heart.

I love you with the same weak heart
Care for you,
Protect you with the same heart,
However you fail to see.

This is where our road ends
Our paths should depart separately,
For you have done the worst,
Bringing tears to my lovely, loving face.

Thrown to the coals

Thrown to the coals
That no one knows
Our lives fleeting
Will we ever find meaning?

In all our world we know not the fool,
Who is in our self to breed out the tool;
All angels know god
And their pick-up isn't barred.

As humans, us mammals
Are like shotgun barrels.
Our tainted food not kept pure is a killer,
But as long as it lines your pockets is just filler.

A Working Man/rewritten for Meter Workshop

Your beard rough against my face
lover's sweat upon our bed,
emotions lingering press,
your hands wrap around my poem..


They found a letter,
contents unknown,
why does a young man who has
everything to live for jump out the
bathroom window 20 stories high?

Did you think you could fly?
Did you think that was a permanent solution
to your temporary problems?
Did you think your depression and pain
would not be felt by those who know and
love you,
after all... we all walk on the same ground,
we were your ground, and you
hid your falling until it was too late.

Shark's Pool

I’ll have to buy tobacco very soon
or else I have to smoke the wretched crap.
I keep it on the chance I might run out,
but elsewise I prefer my Captain Black.

Buying my tobacco must be sooner
than the chance I’ll smoke the wretched crappy.
Keeping it on chance I might run out soon,
Captain Black I elsewise do prefer it.


If I could have a single wish
And have that wish come true
I’d wish that we could always be
Together, me and you

I’d wish eternal happiness
A lifetime filled with bliss
To hold you in my arms each night
And feel your tender kiss

Just having you beside me
Is all I that I desire
You are the one I dream of
You set my heart on fire

I’d wish for you because, you know,
I simply can’t resist ya
But, if you don’t stop your moanin’
I’ll be wishing for your sister



a sudden madness seized Mankind
the sane scattered in fear for theiir mind
Insanity in violent pursuit
and the gates of Heaven swung open
floodiing the skies thunderous red
a procession of angels
black wings spread
followed lines of marching dead
singing in Excelso Deo
and across the universe
laughter was heard again


You make me laugh
Each time you talk
On your good choices
To deify your gods
With celestial cathedrals
And mighty mosques
I turn around to see
A pot calling a kettle black

You ridicule my ways
Call them primitive past
Scornfully spit on my shrines
Claim a better understanding of life
You know very little about me
A pot calling a kettle black


splayed out
Im paraylsed by the compassion of your fire
how you tinge every touch
such bitter kiss
cloaked with woven ways
wound with ribbon rivers

all your pockets
teem with deadly treasure
the sweet guillotine
doll head eyes
as blue as winter skies

"all love is sweet"
a sing song farewell
inked scroll script
as lively as
Once Upon A time


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.