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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.




Riding waves electric
like bolts of lghtening
striking deep inside my brain
I touch upon my own madness
perceptions sharp and clear
dark knowings and understsndings
too painful for my mind to bear
my voice to speak

my thoughts and senses carry me
deeper into seeing
and like madmen, seers and fools
I suddenly know a dfferent dreaming

The World Is in Dire Need

Of great heart-ed generous folks like you
No poem has a second draft,
Till someone points out with intentions true

Yes I give due credit too.

That I am really not adept,
At the finesse of writing,
Imaginary and metaphorical poetry,
Is known to me

Why can't we call a spade,
a spade?
It’s bothering me.
Why should I say moon,
When I mean your face
Why should I condemn you,
Just to field a gloomy face.

Do tell me….

Jealousy's Voice

Your hatred
Became the nicotine
To my

Addicted to negativity
Even if it
Belittles me

Your every word
Was an earthquake
To my confidence

No pill can mute
Jealousy’s voice
Only the sound
Of success’s laughter

Poetry Is a God Gifted Art

I commenced composing poems,
As early as eight years
When my first poem

The Truant,

Composed in a class,
Was taken away by my Principal

It was about an incident,
When schools kids went a riot....

I don't remember what I wrote
But ever since I have composed
Poetry of my own
as you must have noticed
No two poems of mine are alike,
They neither rhyme nor chime
But so many friends,
I can now claim as mine.

This too is hardly a piece
Yet I know you may like it.



pappa called me from L.A.
one day late July
it was 3A.M. pacific time
it was 4 A.M. when he died

mamma passed one winter day
I was by her side
she kissed my hand
to say good-bye

my mind cannot understand
beyond what it can measure
time has stolen the years
and I count my moments in memory and tears

I want to go home again
past the garden gate
through the side door
and hold someone I loved
once more.

Crazy Me


There isn’t much going on tonight

that I find joyous in life

complexity surrounds my every thought

blocking my paths to problems resolve


There’s no fun in striving for success

when believing in fairness is dumb

never demonstrating justice  

with all the faith in the world uttered


I got a lot of work to do

here at Neopoet and school

I’m about to flip my lid releasing hot steam

trying to get A’s in these fall lessons


But then, it’s always that way


In the progress of our works
We see the hands that create
Building structures for our use
Imagine the Sole creating force
That made all with you and me

As we wonder in awe
From grief of unwanted losses
Imagine phantom hues of decay
The might of destroying waves
That takes unwarily from us

These hands are right and left
Connected to one and the same
The twins we wrongly interpret
Be it birth or death combined
In rebirth, according to the law

Winding up

Oh! How can I forget your face
The tenderness, of your embrace
Your precious smile, that gentle kiss
These things, I know, I’ll always miss

The way you’d squeeze and hold me tight
While making love all through the night
And how you’d talk the whole day long
Or sing some sad old country song

The times we had, and we had some
But sadly now the time has come
Two people left with broken hearts
Because you can’t control your farts


route wend
when night bends
churlish pleasure
the dark sin treasure

come to be bruise balmed
and bedecked with calm
your scars your wounds
the flesh stiched tracer
your night shawled look

you had me at "Babe"
this soothing full drawl
and how you take me
out from the beautiful
this haunted ruin
calibrated with pains
and painted with

this tumultous

Christmas Is Here.

Decorations are in shop windows
yuletide music is all we can hear.
Pretty lights shine in the town centre
making it feel like Christmas is here.

Plans are made for friends to meet
to celebrate with food and beer.
Neighbours are putting up trees
making it feel like Christmas is here.

Soldiers have come home on leave
kissing loved ones, shedding a tear.
People travel to be with families
making it feel like Christmas is here.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.