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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



For what intention
Do I live
Knowing of nothing
Of pure life
Or understanding death

Can the trees
Hear the music
Of the wind
Without any ears
Yet they dance

As the ocean
Loves the land
To such degrees
It caresses it
Day and night

Am I different
Among these things
I am universal
Connected to all
Yet all alone

I only answer
To my own
Heart and conscious
Can I hear
What is said

The last ten minutes

She will wonder what to wear to the execution,
and may show in an array of yellows.
What in the name of your silly ass god are you doing,
why are you here for this, looking so ready to see me go.
Cover my eyes so I can't see her love any more,
or any less.

If we could but hang around our coffins
like curious little misfits with a penchant
for hiding behind the curtain somewhere
over the rainbow
the prevailing myth of fantasy
would certainly be heard as the tree
falling in the forest no one hears

frankly speaking, the tree is dead.

Barks stripped of essential gentility, no passion
remains, no rage, no
beguiled forest to lose oneself in
nothing to be held back

the will-o'-the-wisp enters the shadowland,
head first, heart last

Taunting Reality

Looking into piercing eyes
As reality slips into a coma
And for a moment tyranny
Doesn’t hold onto society

Today, the sunset seduces
The clear sky captivates
And the birds over head
Sing songs of harmony

A mother’ has no need for tears
The old beggar need not ask
The child isn’t afraid
The world seems
Like endless possibilities
That replace this taunting reality

If one can believe this
It can be true
We all need something
To see through
A mirror just wouldn’t do


We call it ‘awuff’,
Free gifts
Surpluses sometimes
Free loaders like a whole lot
Some people say it runs the stomach
It is free, they won’t stop loading
Till the stomach is filled up with junks

Most people clamour for such things
They say, after all, life is free
Even the air we breath
So they accumulate, amass and collect
Freely from those who give the needy
For givers are said to be rewarded more
And blessed than those who receive

Hay in Your Boots

the city beckons me back
with promises of
lost love
and the Beautiful Lights
shining by the cityscape
perfect next to the stars.

But I'm stuck to the country like
dirt on my blue jeans
mud on the pig
spots on the Buel's beef cows
and a tree to the ground.

it's official now

he said I'm a rabid dog
but dogs don't bite their masters
unless they've been cruelly punished
one can't expect intelligence and logic
to enter into their dog-minds
like humans can, if they can, but then
we've all got a blind spot, haven't we?
and it's usually someone we can't
conquer with our dedication to what
works magic for some, you know, the

To make apple cider, you boil it,
then drink up, before time can spoil it.
Drink too many cups,
and you're bound to throw up
as you quickly dash off to the toilet!


I shall one day write a poem about
the one I find most fair
the girl I've known since distant youth
who now has silver in her hair

One day I hope to have the skill
to paint her kind eyes, emerald green
which with a glance melts my heart,still
holding the most love I have seen

A voice I can pick from a crowd
seldom ill, oft filled with laughter
attuned to be heard just by me
in this life and ever after

That tomorrow shall come Old unread Blog Conversion

Poets Final Resort!
This singular site tis
Of the world's best
Here self styled poets
Self mutually praise
And double their comment
Those like you and I
We finally lament.
Don’t be amazed
it’s not like other sites
where they only praise
Money you do so raise.
You have to read a lot friend
Don’t leave with tears
towards the end
As tears can be discomforting too
then don't say
Didn’t warn you
None the less
A happy innings


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.