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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Night out nightmare...

Night out nightmare

Dance with me you trollop
I paid for this great night out.
Don’t you know I’ll have my fun
you silly giggly Trout.

Unhand! me dear don’t you dare,
after all, I am the bloody man.
And if I’m acting annoyed or fearful,
It’s just, my night hasn’t gone to plan.

Simply, I thought we’d have dinner,
a bit of a dance and then, some sex.
It’s just my luck that I picked you,
and the muscles you’re preparing to flex.

Wise Words (more meter workshop)

"Take care of hands and teeth,
your arse and your two feet."
wise words a man of old
relayed to me one day.



DRAGON RIVER (in the little gorge (juvet) that goes through Flatdal)
11th June 2011. Margaret Ann Waddicor.

I can see this as the Dragon of the river charging down, 
shaking all its water off as it goes, and bellowing, 
snorting waterfalls at each descent, flowers 
growing in the rocks on the side, a kind of saxifrage-family flower, 
vibrating with excitement, they are something like virgins 
or wedding veils in name in Norwegian. 


Bare limbs bereft of leafy load
shiver in the winter breeze.
No sign of insect,snake or toad,
weak sun is nothing but a tease.

So I wait until the frost departs
then exit through the side porch door
get in my old truck and it starts!
Warmth slowly builds in heater core.

I leave my shotgun home today
and head to where the world is wild,
where oak and pine and birch limbs sway
hoping to add to memories filed.


subways screaming in
the bitter light
like a party lamp

my retina burn
and this hot rush of wind
stinking of city
and office bodies
the restless and
the chosen
wandering in their week
old skins

the walls lucid crawl
in a flash of stainless
wet like a putrid worm

lights and words, (More Meter WS)

The stars of night shine bright upon the sky
At speeds of light they reach the earth, they say
The words we say are fast to reach their mark
At speeds so fast than lights we see, I’d say
You know the answer without another phrase


Poet You Are

The eyes, of a soul,
yet to seed more poems,
To help humanity see through
the ailments,
which are not man-made

We may perhaps inherit,
in our genes
But to brave the calamity
and let it not become fatal,
Ere its time,
is the way
one lives a full life with dignity

In your case it,
draws like steel from a furnace,
the tenacity most folks lack.

You are, if I may say,
the epitome of a suffering man,
though the bravest of his brand.

Lost Sole (iambic trimeter) revised

Iambic trimeter (workshop:)

Lost Sole
a shoe without a mate
is out of time a crime
of passion so sad today
day next is near to me
along borders of pain
remaining in a cave
when troubled times Are near
I scramble for a perch
response shuts down at once

Footsteps On The Staircase.

Footsteps On The Staircase.

Hearing footsteps on the staircase
a young boy is silent in his room,
only moonlight from the window
brightens the darkness and gloom.
His heart beats fast, fear increases
as an angry father opens the door,
staggering drunkenly towards him
to inflict violent cruelty once more.

I don't know why

I don't know why
I comment,
On many poems,

Perhaps to boost up the morale
Instead of making gassy lament
that makes the poet elate,
Flat he falls at my feet,

Pick me up I’m so tired
Now comes the strength
You gave me…
I’ m going to have a kicking ride
Friend Loved
Stand by my side…


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