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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


first the raw version then the revised one:

Scribbler's workshop:

Storm's Aftermath: auditory

the winds die down
to a whispering breeze
birds begin to chirp
and sing once again
squirrels chatter
back and forth
as children laugh
in tune with
the ice cream vendor's
cheerful chime
and the world sighs
with a contented relief
improved version:


And she said

“On the wings of Night
he came to me once more.
with dread I willingly
bore my breast to his cold caress
as I had done before

I fell into fever’s delusion.
My blood began to flow
and we became as one.
A sudden thrust
and my womb was seized
by the fire of his seed
in painful ecstasy.

Day put an end
to night’s gentle savagery.
And I was lost
to this world and to the next.

Wow !What Neighbours

We have loveliest of neighbours
they keep daggers hidden
beneath the bushes
hope to strike,
is if unknowingly
they strive to thieve
We try to brief
do not be so greedy
they are otherwise nice,
but they know not,
what they do...

how I wish our father
since gone away knew
some are the scum today,
out to bring harm all your way
what damn associates
did you say?
they alone now do betray.


in the trench silt silence
slitting neuron night crush
hope glitters up
and stains the books
dead poets eyes
dust cover falling
beneath the droll words
rushing like a mantle
crumbling in a cry

here in this hiss
sticky glimpse the life
behind besmirched frames

footsteps of grit
to window seek
slowly there

Passion I hear you
cellophane longing
unwrapping a new
book of love

The Fog

There are times
when the fog
rolls in
and you can't see
for sheer

You forget
for a moment
that the light
doesn't dwell
somewhere outside
but breathes
from deep
within you

but that is ok

Being lost
in the fog
brings it's own

IN THE WAITING ROOM (imagery shop) rewrite

In this waiting room I sit
old eyes are red from lack of sleep
hospital chair don't ever fit
wall clock's hands just barely creep

Stomach wanting to vent gas
as it rebels from vending food
but I refuse to let it pass
unlike some here in this brood

All the magazines areold
the newest May of oh eleven
one has even grown some mold
this place is near reverse of heaven

why everything turns green

My head is killing me with passion
and the dog is barking poetry.
It's Saturday and crows are honking
with an early morning mist. Sea gulls
shriek their displeasure or to argue
about why humans waddle like ducks
in and out of their cities.

Sometimes, I am so filled with love
for it all, there's no one left to speak
of romance.

Not today.

A Stranger’s Visit

He stood silent
With an empty face,
Clad in invisibility
And leaned on a monstrous sickle
Right there at the entrance
Pitilessly watching
-our beloved
On that grim bed
As he laboured
For a piece of breath

A sad sight
And we who claim
Ourselves masters of herbs
Could do nothing
Not even see,
Plead or fight
Him that stood
At the entrance
Neither reaping
Nor helping
Or away leaping
To a different field

Crushed Velvet

Crushed Velvet

Plunging into
the crystal clear waters
many secrets hiding
under the luscious
sapphire pools
of lonely
indigo shadowed desire
meets with delicious
subaqueous forests
of rich emerald
crushed velvet desire
revealing a haven
of beautiful acceptance
where the starlit silence
of her fairy
childlike devotion
pure and resplendent
in a swirl of melding
this tide pool of loving...
the meridian of the soul

Indictment Of A Passive People (Pt.1)

The words that will leave my mouth I dear say
May not be what you want to hear
But now is not the time to cast your bait and hook
Hoping that you will catch a fish in time for lunch
The time when you could have relied on hope:
When time was on your side – when you could have
Afforded to take aim and miss – that time is long gone!
But since you are blinded by your self-delusion
That your present state could only be worst not better
That your standard of life is the way it should be
You have unconditionally resigned from


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.