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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Dunhold's Bane (Rhyme Crimes Workshop #2)

Dunhold, strewn across the green of wooded vale and hill serene
was like a casket for a maid, with bushes lush and flowers laid.
Her tip would touch the valley's edge where rivers bent in sickle wedge,
her crown would tickle heaven's sky above the perch where eagles fly.


The Manual

Hello, welcome to St Peter’s Inn
Yes, hello reservation for one
Under paul, the paradise suite

Hello Paul welcome to eternity
Let’s see if your on level four
Or the cold basement rooms

Saint Peter, I think there’s a mistake
My room is definitely on level four
Paul the book says basement

No there’s got to be some mix up
I followed the get to level four manual
This is not right saint Peter


Over my face, my hat hung low
to hide the side a few would know
drinkin' in uncandle lit space
my hat hung low over my face
justice was lost and justice done
I owned a pound and lost a ton
no outlaw saw the lawman's cost
justice done and justice lost
a woman's love, the trump card held
of twenty men, eighteen were felled
I stood wounded as did Jack Cove
the trump card held, a woman's love
through gunsmoke and blood, my eyes saw


O Beautiful Earth, very good morning to you
This is my first song on you

This is how I sing this song
And this is the place where I belong

I love this place, suitable to play
Which has an endless bay

You cover this, with a blanket
Where I can junket with joy

I grew wild without any source
But you nourished me with all your resources

Buds turn to green leaves in spring
And the twittering birds sing

This shows the dawn of an era
And it is also the beginning of a new year

love shines

When you look at me like that what do you see? I don't get how perfect you could love plain old me.

But you've been there for me rose and thorn. only you can fix me when my worlds been torn.

you love me now and you'll love me then. if this is what love feels like i don't want it to end.

you complete me and make me whole. you're like a a favorite song that never gets old.

your love is a whole new experience for me. every time i see you i can eel my heart beat.

and somewhere deep in side me I've always know that all that shines doesn't have to be gold.

Call It What You Will (Page 3)

cornfield billows
tossing tresses nonchalant
a silky wind


shiney umbellas
drip slicked-back rainbow puddles
in shades, neon


spare room memories
clusters of junk, love-nesting


a bird extends wings
flight happens, naturally
I must try, flap flop


insight distilled
from vats to vial potent
pocket poems


frog in a pond
so what! I'd rather be in



rust stain

drawn wings on sticky darkness
enamel sheen

bright as razor light
on Ghetto bars

Rises churlish lips
to kiss
angels death

seeping down the halls
of the radiated room
the blue night
full of ghost hours

television tomb

a sigh in the vein
like a drowned cough
at midnight

and the cup caught

before the hour

the long last sigh

notional time

notional time

the Brain Child of Time,
everything is relative,
the number of full moons
one does transit,
through a life's sojourn,
the number of sun rises
at the equator
since 7000 years ago slated,
all give relative notions,
to the fourth dimension
we all and you too do,
call it Time.

Haiku (Japanese Poetry Workshop)

Split water and aire.
Leap the Great Divide in fear.
Thus Koi and fools die.

For A Friend Like You

When you are feeling blue

She will stand by you

She will pull you through

that's what my friend will do
When you are feeling down

When you are out

She will lift you off the ground,

replace your crown

Clear all your doubt
This for a Friend like you

This is what a friend will do

For a friend like you
I will break my heart in two

If only so that you can have one too

I will put my breath on pause


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.