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you are magic
you sing your words
modulate your love
murmuring melancholy
in minor key
and golden tongue

you have touched
my very meaning
and brought my soul
to a near dying
with your deceit and lying.


buckle black
the shine
like a sun
on midnight

a Lavender
sigh pressed
against the temple

like a door to the
expressway of

awoken from the
dream by a can turning
tricks for the wind
between the lights

a moan of her through
the wires
and bending limbs
performing stretches
while the stars pull
at their stiches
to the ear of heaven

the world will be

poorer without you
the founder member of Neo
I assure myself
no one will ever take your place ever
you are the best critique by far....
the only one
who sees the nuances
but damn cares who the poet may be ....
over decades now i have been swimming
in shallow streams
to be elevated as a poet
I always dream
some day perhaps
someone will lay a wreath
and say
here lies a poet under rose’s reef

Following the Sun ~ for p

I love you in the immediacy of a perfect
white bloom. In the breathlessness of
a cold winter's window, streaked with
summer memories of you, I write your
name. In my heart we're already the
wild wind tamed, following the ripened
We're already waves floating
on the sea and the smiles
in our children's eyes,
dancing and singing,
singing and dancing.

Iwo Jima

Iwo Jima By Blue Demon77

Curtain Light

Across the room
the curtain caught the sun
and in the folds of cloth
I saw light ripple.
In those curves of light
danced tiny motes,
whirls and whorls and worlds away,
entertaining my thoughts.
There are times so sad
that even heartfelt words and touch
can't light the dark interior
of what this mind remembers.
I too, have said the words
"I know how you feel."
ashamed as they fell flat,
but I did and I do care.

F L O U R E S C E N T .. .. ..cornucopia

Hallowed be thy past
the tallow stained skins
stretched beneath this
tempered sun

Strident and bold

the menace of wind
against the basking
heart beating bold

Cold stream fauna sink
its thick lost whisper
A television landscape
down soiled halls
calling lost souls
from vineyards of dreams
resting like sleeping birds
shiny as gaunt arrow
offerings on spirit mounds

But, to Sigh

Cellophane moonbeams play havoc with eyes

as the shadows eat daylight all gone;

step further inside, it's the truth we can't hide

place your baggage out front on the lawn.


A dry leather jacket with pockets sewn shut

we've all fallen short and have sinned;

memories turn billowy before they all fade

let's all honor their escort, the wind!


Teared laughter echoes, coercing the night

to "chill up" on the back of my neck;

BROKEN ENGLISH [ September 1948] --updaed

[1948: first day ]

Like hawks,
screams piercing the sky,
swooping in frenzy
upon a sparrow flying by
they took me down
blood on the ground
and screeched when I cried,

I raised my hand against the sun
and tried to see the reason why
I spoke broken English

They screeched when I cried
and then were gone.



we hurtle towards calamity
with the pale rider on the pale horse
and incomprehensively lethal weapons
of mass destruction

while a budget for armament
elicits continued production

animals and birds
fish and plant
suffer painful death
through spilt black gold

while we refuse to explore
more expensive sources of power

twenty-four thousand people starve and die
every day
and a million more each year
from disease

while movie stars
are worth more than physicians


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.