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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


w a s t e d

gloomy perception
is running like rain
licking the heat
between loins

sated like tame lions

that terrible propensity
for the pulse shuttle
in the jerk of the vein

sink hot mettalic
the phallic plunger
run in dirty fingers

these dart days we
throw against
the shadow wall
like knife shark
bites in drywall


MADRUGADAS-second English version added for critique


Soy tu madrugada
fuego ardiente en el horizonte
rojo brillando pasion
quemando promesas perdidas
en el decir
palabras mutas que matan
en el oír
soy tu puesta de sol
tu comienzo. tu fin.


I am your dawn
fire shining in the horizon
red burning passion brightly
and promises lost in their saying
mute words that kill in their hearing.
I am twilight
Your beginning. Your end.



A summer eve
a baseball game
a girl who didn't
know my name

A nervous boy
made a call
to she who soon
became my all

Years of sharing
stars above
turned mere passion
into true love

Marriage and kids
soon raised and gone
a single soul
that I lean on

Years like pages
in a long book
I see that young girl
each time I look

*for Susan after 38 years

In the Land of Frowns

Nobody smiles where I'm from and I don't know why.I'm not from a Third World country, I'm actually from North East Baltimore.There's alot of crime though I've never been a criminal, alright it's that one time.I stole the cookies out the cookie jar, who me , yeah you , couldn't be then who?The crumbs were that which gave me away.I thought it was the one's in my pockect but actually it was the one's I forgot to wipe away from my face.Grandma asked "Are you sure?" ,then I gave up and told her it was me.She smacked my hands with a thin

Love is a lover

If I am a rose with thorns then you are the fingers that caress my petals
If I am the great wide ocean, then you are the vast blue sky
If I am a love letter, then you are the thoughts that write me
If I am everything I say I am, you must not believe me
Why do you have to be so elusive?
I whisper your name in the dark
Only to find it etched on my skin
I thought i had you figured out
But I must be dreaming, I’m dreaming aloud
To know what you are about
I try to wash my hands clean from 

I am pregnant...(Updated)

I am pregnant
...The sperm
that fertilized my egg
was of the world's pains, woes and ills.
Now the embryo grows bigger everyday,
and here I am,
after a few years
unable to deliver
... this womb
shall explode one day


as I wander
through both information and deception
am I simply curious
or will I seek until it hurts
enough to reconstruct my understanding

and when I realize
it lives far beyond the human mind
will I allow it to transpose an alien reality
that reveals aspects of me that are disturbing
or humbling
or amazing

or will I turn away
in denial

just how much do I love truth?


From the answers I got from you
What is the price I have to pay?
If I may ask a hand in love
So cherished and badly desired
Tell me, have I waited in vain
That you would never come to me
You are the unwilling Africa
Towering like a mountain, high
Hesitating, while the time ticks
Missing progress and prosperity



down corridors narrow
stained death’s yellow
blinding headlights speeding
above white masks glare
into forgetful sleep I plummet
into the womb waiting

3 in 1 icecream

Three in one
I liked the poem of yours
All about your dream
shouting at each other
the balloons burst
the thunder thrust..
my what a curse
then suddenly the circus guy came
on a flat tube cycle
as it won't push...
he had to run along side
with it
then the two yelled in
mother and daughter ...
both were enjoying the same dream
suddenly both combinedly did scream
laughed their guts out,..
how was it possible..



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