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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Traveler

No special traveler am I, but another just as you.
I make my way through this life as best I can,
with hopes for joy and little pain.
Coping with the whatever comes my way.
Sometimes growing, sometimes not.
I travel this road lighter now,
bringing with me little of time or fortune.
For most of both are long since spent just getting here.
The only thing of value I have left,
are these tiny bits of person I call me.
The last of my treasure which I will freely share with you.

...S A N K S H U N Z >>>

eager to be slim
because he wants her to be thin

shes a rake
that dont need the cake
(let them falsehood bitchs eat dat)

and he dangles girls by her
streamline designer
draws her in
adjusting to win

and the boys are falling
hard as chrome
soft as rain
because they love the way
she shows the pain

they want to be her
brand new stain

but deep down
theres an angel
dark from heaven
the slain

the wings are
dripping white
as down

The Arrogant ~1-The ungrateful~

What has Cain brought forth to our Earth
but mist and mud and lots of lust.
No more than a grain of salt's worth,
nothing, but sorrows and mistrust.

There, Ken thought it's lots of delight-
and shamelessly plotted for it.
In a ludic party one night,
he'd decided a time to set.

"Too much merriment I shall get
tomorrow before the sunset,
"No devil but I , shall abet
ending Someone's tortured spirit."

I Promise

You radiate with the last light that keeps the mountains from fading into the sky
And for all my restraint that light gets brighter as the night gets dark
So I ache for the ocean and your memories swept up in the tide
For your pushing pulling breakers
And for the drive behind your hips to pull you toward me
Exploring all the mountains and the valleys
The one between your lips and chin
The hollow just above your collarbone
The beautiful cave they call your mouth that falls in on itself every time we try to draw out one another’s souls

false believers

Terrorists of the worst kind
Angry men who yearn to rule
Likely to all good things blind
Insane, blatering fool's tool
Brutal to their own women
Always willing to do them in
No prophet would claim them kin

Cruel for cruelty's sake
Only hatred fills their hearts
Women's freedoms they forsake
Against all good the Koran imparts
Rape and power their sole goal
Don't you know the Taliban?
Sinners living with no soul

young you

you are very young and beautiful
accomplished poet, keep it up
poetrys simply an expression
of one’s feelings,not really
of one’s own but also
imbibed from family
and friends none
can express what
you do yourself,
others change
dot a comma
here n there
then say this'
much better
can't u see?
May be!

acerbus aurora

this sickness sweet
runaway horse line
curled like a fractured splice

deep wretched skin
and the staggered spine

whirl ways the path of fates
this rain dream fallen
bleeding waste the slate

nothing more to tease nor test
like the brood winds sway the
loose lead haunts

the moans and groans of
furnace wants

in the forest where the watchers

Flight Plan #3

From cuddles sublime
to a more complex time
when we still, were finding our ways;

thought we knew it all
but, we'd eventually fall;
although allowed to see the scenic route in life's maze.

We knew of no fear
while still learning to steer,
flying high, by the seats of our pants;

we lived without care
and cosidered each dare,
we played hard, and we all learned to dance.

We sure had our fill
of good times, if you will;
where each lesson truly played with our hearts;

.............................p a r e r e

stillborn winds

the current
takes them

an ocean of night
deep thick

I am just
a dreaming

they alll love too!

they all love me

the world is now in love,
someone with someone,
some with me for fun
so many love
so many others too…
to broaden their limited vision
I am in love with all poets too
so ever praise me
advise me soulfully,
of which there aren't few
this I wish
you my new found friend also knew


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.