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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Sinister Sycophants for World Domination

Transpose these words spit from tongues lashing. The prose conforms in an eloquent fashion. Framed in a forgotten subtext of silence, an esoteric embrace unfolds to surround all sentient waste. Drawing upon a death dance to resurrect the remains of a subliminal sense of salvation or some fraction of sanity. Confined by chains of vanity, feeding the machines empowering a false egotistical mindset, malfunctioning gears give way to revel a grim glimpse of an impossible perfection as promised, a calumny never to propagate. Your reflections distort as demons dance within lucid dreams of lunacy.

Right place but maybe not the right time

I've been in a mood lately but right now I'm figuring why not
Basically I know I've got a 50 percent chance of you saying no but how bout

I give it a go Well I'm a poet named Emmanuel and it's really nice to meet you

You should already know your beautiful but just in case you haven't heard it in a while

You are
Hope this ain't a bother but I'd love to get a chance to talk to you sometime

I apologize for being so shy


Aggressive tire treads hum along
as the paved road falls away
and radio plays some old song
in small hours of a new day

Old truck enveloped by the dark
as headlights show the way to go
once again I must embark
to somewhere that the world turns slow

For far too long worry and strain
have filled my days and endless nights
as doubt's daemons filled fevered brain
recalled mistakes..imagined slights

Pulling the Pin

That leaking faucet was maddening,
it had nothing to do with his car
breaking down, catching his wife
running around or the totalitarian way
his boss ran the office;

no, it was that sleep depriving drip
he needed to grenade.

The Sinking of the Santa Fe

A clipper proud majestic
just three weeks out at sea
The captain in his cabin
with the ships cat on his knee
Her sails unfurled the rigging tight
her crew all down below
A tempest in her infancy
once born began to grow.

Now darkness it was falling
then from high up in the nest
Captain there be a storm for sure
she’s blowing nor, nor west
Make fast the sails batten down
you boy fetch me rum
The captain knew as the boson did
the terror yet to come.

Stingray Dreaming

Stingray Dreaming

Through a wall of tears,
bat like and bigger than the world
it glides to the drowning ceremony.
With slit mouth
and lipless like a bull ant’s nest,
it avoids the broken ones
whose grey hairs creep from ankle to knee.

Contagion spreads
and fear.
Not what and if but when and how.
Death percentages.
Face mask dreamers in your dream;
beg, questioning.
Answers come like daylight, streaky, flesh coloured,
easily forgotten.
Not which heaven but for how long?

Ode to the Black Bean

I make a tea of chamomile
with ginger, sage and spice.
It’s green and sharp to bring a smile,
but I’ve a stronger vice.

A cold concoction percolates
on ice ~ “The Thing Soothfast”™.
Its caffeinated sweetness rates
a star, but doesn’t last.

Of course some water (if it’s cold)
can quench a heady thirst.
So bland though, it grows swiftly old
unlike the brew that’s first.

And “To the Second Power G”™
I turn at times for salt.
Electrolytes can set one free,
but this I’ll not exalt.

A Pet I Could Never Keep

When falls the night-all go to sleep,
your snores,so loudly breathed-they sweep
my dreams and blow away and drown
in thoughts, until 'tis dawn

When falls the night-all go to sleep,
you step inside and neatly leap.
My senses jaunt in many trips
with fairly gilded wisps

When falls the night-all go to sleep,
you come to sight and slowly creep.
Your ghost, a spook, a wraith, a shadow
that only I could follow.

When falls the night I fall asleep
to weep a pet I'll never keep.

The Order Of The Bitch (eddy styx)

Order Of The Bitch

a black heart
formed from
the darkest pitch
of a cold and sterile night

a shriveled soul
came to dwell
in a misshapen body
as evil wings took flight

was her teacher
true companion
from a tender age

the seeds of hell
were planted in her psyche
rage and damnation
burned upon the page

she grew to be
a twisted wretch
without reason
quietly insane

Only Time Died (Storytelling in verse workshop)

I'd been but ten years in this manifest
when first I knew my destiny was death.
I well remember, when the thought expressed
it blew so cold it took away my breath.
So do we then conclude, cease to exist?
 A fear, a terror wrapped, I did not know.
 As fast as it had come, the thought dismissed,
 ‘twas early yet to question where we go.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.